> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Chicago Feds Take Renewed Interest & Action Against Alleged Tylenol Killer James Lewis

Today's world headlines

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Chicago Feds Take Renewed Interest & Action Against Alleged Tylenol Killer James Lewis

That man managed to escape unscathed for the most part from the anonymous tylenol murders back int he eighties here in Chicago done by an obvious liberal who likely spends his time today anonymously trolling conservative blogs and corporate web forums dropping similarly anonymous turds like the Unabomber and other liberal sociopaths do with their spare time, making America a more dangerous place than it already is without their assistance.
Remember this man and story from those days?

I sure do as I was working part time in high school as a grocery chain as a produce manager here in Arlington Heights Chicago when we were instructed like all stores to remove all Tylenol from our shelves as local residents started dropping dead from tainted Tylenol capsules placed around the Chicago land area. This was done by someone who was never solidly identified or charged, although authorities showed considerable interest in this individual named James Lewis who was charged and jailed for 12 years after trying to extort parent company and corporate behemoth Johnson and Johnson.

It is likely because of this liberal moron we Americans must fumble around with safety caps, containers and inconvenient plastic wraps on just about every perishable item now available for purchase in the country as a result of the deaths associated with the Tylenol capsules which were tainted with cyanide back in the late 1980's creating it's own cottage industry of bottle and cap removers and the likes. Thanks a lot a**wipe.

FBI searches home of man linked to Tylenol deaths:

My Way News - "CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) - Federal agents have searched the Massachusetts home of a man linked to the fatal 1982 Tylenol poisonings in the Chicago area.

No one was ever charged with the deaths of seven people who took the cyanide-laced drugs. The FBI would not immediately confirm that the search in Cambridge was related to the Tylenol investigation.

But James W. Lewis served more than 12 years in prison for sending an extortion note to Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) demanding $1 million to 'stop the killing.' He moved to the Boston area after getting out of prison in 1995.

The tainted Tylenol deaths triggered a national scare that prompted dramatic changes in the way almost all food and medical products are packaged."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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