> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Obama & Dems Are Doing So Good Republicans Will Be Favored By..March ....

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Obama & Dems Are Doing So Good Republicans Will Be Favored By..March ....

At this rate noted below at least, 7 points in a week. But seeing how Obama has been rolling downward and ran from the White House like a little 6 year old in a tantrum (seeking the comfort of 2nd graders as I some other bloggers noted yesterday) he and the money hungry Socialist democrats should at Bush numbers in no time, particularly if we can help it. (Congress is already below Bush numbers and has been for over a year)

Here's the latest Rasmussen poll info on the Obama Dem Porkulus plan, not looking good for "Zen Bama" as some loon sycophants are now referring to his "no jacket required" aura around the oral office.
Generic Congressional Ballot
Support for GOP Rises on Generic Congressional Ballot

Rasmussen Reports™: "Following the unanimous Republican opposition to the economic stimulus bill proposed by and House Democrats, the GOP has narrowed the gap this week on the Generic Congressional Ballot.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone surveys found that the Democrats’ lead is down to four percentage points--42% of voters said they would vote for their district’s Democratic candidate while 38% said they would choose the Republican (see crosstabs). A week ago, the Democrats enjoyed a seven-point lead.

While support for the Democrats is unchanged since last week, support for the GOP is up three percentage points. The 38% who say they’d vote for a Republican is the GOP’s highest level of support since early December.

Over the past year, Democratic support has ranged from a low of 42% to a high of 50%. In that same time period, Republicans have been preferred by 34% to 41% of voters nationwide."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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