> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Obama Stiffing The BDS "Get Bush" Crowd

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Monday, January 12, 2009

Obama Stiffing The BDS "Get Bush" Crowd

These people will be off their rockers as the weeks go on while realizing that what they thought they had elected, a left wing radical like themselves, has veered off the left fringe they anticipated on a number of National Security issues like closing Club Gitmo at the top of their list. Mostly, these bleeding hearts are chomping at their bits hoping for a long line of televised "OJ like" trials of the most hardcore of the Terrorist hating Bush administration officials, including the president himself. Mostly for basically busting his and their a**ses for seven straight years to keep America safe from the endless attempts by Radical Muslims, the most prevalent type of Muslim, from attacking us again.

Like they did successfully both around the world and here at home throughout the entire Clinton administration, including the first attempt at bringing down the twin towers in '93, then the years of unabated planning to successfully bring them down 7 months into Bush's first term that the nuts either blame Bush for allowing or actually doing himself with "Dr Doom" Cheney at his diabolical side figuring out ways to take American's rights away. (what nuts)

Sorry Netroot Nuts, but even Obama can now see that as president there are a few more things they become aware every single morning and must contend with that simply don't make it to the Daily Kos, The New York Times, Keith Olbermann's hateful rants every night, nor Media Matters' misinformation misdirection, which basically concludes the extent of most liberal trolls library of reference materials.

For that I will give Obama a little credit for quickly realizing, but then will quickly withdraw it for hiring the inexperienced politician Leon Pannetta for the most critical CIA post. A pick that was obviously a Hillary & Bill suggestion as someone she knows and can play nice with at the state department behind the Muslim Born Obama's often turned back. A pick limited to non experts because of the liberal loon opposition to all the top flight CIA personnel whom worked again under Bush keeping us all safe.

Since however the loons are more concerned about the treatment of the terrorists down at Club Gitmo than they are our safety here in America, they get Leon Panetta instead of the best Man and men available, and we in turn will eventually get attacked. Thanks you friggin loons.

So for now, the "Big Muslim born O" says "hell no" to closing Gitmo, Yo know Bro, as he promised vociferously adn ridiculously to the loons without knowing full well what he was promising was an extreme danger and actually stupid to quickly do just to please a small number of loud imbeciles.

And you can bet many of these terrorists look at that as darn good news as I reported and elaborated here, they know they're taking it easier there at Gitmo than they will be anywhere else in the American penalk system and certainly better than their home countries will deal with them, that is fact jack..

This maneuver will certainly lower Obama's "liberal loon Housekeeping Approval" and his "Daily KOS Loon" scores tremendously, and will be bouncing around the liberal blogs on the far left this week like a lead superball shot from a cannon in a liberals' 6 walled rubber room.

Obama: Closing Gitmo 'a challenge'

- Yahoo! News: Barack Obama suggested he's not likely to actively pursue criminal charges against national security officials who were directly involved in unlawful interrogations or wire-tapping, and said it would be difficult to quickly close down Guantanamo Bay.

On Guantanamo — which he repeatedly promised to shutter during the campaign — Obama, in an interview on Sunday with George Stephanopoulos on ABC's "This Week," reiterated his intent to do just that but also sounded a pragmatic note.

"That's a challenge," the president-elect said about the prospect of closing down to the detainee facility within the first 100 days of taking office. "I think it's going to take some time and our legal teams are working in consultation with our national security apparatus as we speak to help design exactly what we need to do.

On the question of prosecuting crimes that may have been committed during the Bush presidency in the course of the war on terror, Obama continued the theme of "looking forward as opposed to backwards" he took on the campaign trail and reaffirmed since winning the presidency last November.

While aimed at attracting consensus fr+om a broader electorate, the position is not exactly what many in the liberal base of his party would prefer.

As Stephanopoulos noted, the most asked question on Obama's own transition website relates to investigating the "crimes" of the Bush administration. continued

Well, I guess it's time for a sanity break on the left as they've been hard at work for 7 long years now with little or no psych treatment for their delusions and deep seated hate, Obama won't be traveling down their streets of no shame after all, at least immediately.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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