Then, once one accepts that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his bossmen, the Mad Iranian Mullahs' only goal through those separate but similar goal seeking terror groups is to wipe the state of Israel off the "map" per se, and they state it once a week to the world just for clarity. One can then fully understand that Israel is fighting for it's people's very right to exist just as they did in WWII. What's so hard about this for liberals and the media to understand? The damn terrorists spell it out for them and they still don't get it.
It's not the land he speaks of it's the people who own it and live within it's borders, those who always have and always will reside there if the weak kneed 'nadless West doesn't sell out Israel, which Obama is on a silent track of doing if disregards his recent hyperbole and his past is any indication.
A former HAMAS henchman tells the story and yet no one on the left or the right in government at least is listening. They won't even listen to the son of the man behind the creation of Hamas says after defecting to the west which was covered last week on Fox by Bill Hemmer & Jonathon Hunt on this special: Escape From Hamas
Parts 2,3,4,5,6
Former terrorist says West ignoring real Hamas agenda
( "A former Palestinian terrorist says the West continues to pursue a failed idea that somehow terrorism against Israel will stop when the Palestinians get their own homeland.
Walid Shoebat is a former member of the Palestine Liberation Organization and a convert to Christianity. He now runs the Walid Shoebat Foundation, which is an organization that cries out for the justice of Israel and the Jewish people. Shoebat, author of the recently published God's War on Terror: Islam, Prophecy and the Bible, believes the recent terrorist rocket attacks by Hamas have nothing to do with wanting a Palestinian homeland.
'The core issue is not an issue of land whatsoever. It's an issue of wiping the state of Israel out. If you look at even suicide bombing -- historically, if you look from 1980 until 2003, let's say -- 224 suicide bombings out of 300 existed in Islamic countries with no occupation whatsoever,' he notes. 'So it's not simply the desire to create a Palestinian state. It is the desire to destroy the Jewish state, and that's what we see.'" continued
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