> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Freaks Abound Everywhere We Turn, Hide The Kids If You Can

Today's world headlines

Friday, January 23, 2009

Freaks Abound Everywhere We Turn, Hide The Kids If You Can

With the financial crisis reaching all corners of the country with cities and states trimming their law enforcement and incarceration budgets of all things we're likely to see even more and more of these animals like this guy walking free or lightly away from the long sentences they deserve.

If I had my way they would be in prison for life after committing sex crimes against small children or young teens, but with Obama and the liberals now driving the bus over a cliff of appeasement in all crime and terror categories look for the repealing of longer mandatory sentencing in criminal cases of all walks. Especially seeing that in their rather disturbing worldview these "poor widdle cwiminals" all have some sad story to tell and should receive more "couuunselling" and "haaaand holllllding" because they're all just misunderstood !

Sorry but that idea sucks and always has.. Instead for this guy and others like him, the threat of a life sentence hanging in the window may have deterred his crimes from occurring, if on the other hand it doesn't we as a society can at least wave bye bye to, in this case, the filthy dirty doctor who exposed himself to little trusting patients of his who are now scarred with painful memories not of their own doing, living in fear of future doctor visits and people in white lab coats.

However, in this case the doctor is copping a cushy plea deal that will make the liberals happy and likely the doctor as well while again the family lives in fear of taking the child to see another doctor when sick and then coping with the likely nightmares experienced by the children more often than not. The victims always suffer as the often upside downside society usually worries more about the rights of the criminals than the rights of the victims who are usually women and small children in most crimes, particularly of a sexual nature.

However, today's young and "liberated" women seem to be doing their very best to reach parity with men when it comes to the sexual abuse of today's children, mostly in schools filled to the brim with immoral liberal teachers who are very dangerous in multiple ways, their behavior and their preferred ideology they galdy indoctrinate into the young students pliable brains. . And like this guy, they are mostly being slapped on the hands for their crimes leaving them dangerous, willing and able to repeat the bad behavior as soon as the opportunity arises.
Possible Plea Deal For Doctor

| Newsradio 620 -
: "A plea deal is in the works for a doctor accused of fondling himself in front of children.

Dr. Kyle Mounts is charged with lewd behavior and disorderly conduct. A mother says she found him fondling himself in front of her child at a Target in Grafton. Now, Mount's attorneys say they're working with the DA on a plea deal.

The charges Mounts face carry a maximum sentence of a year in prison. He has been suspended from his job as a neo-natal physician."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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