> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: New York Town Bends To One Muslim Resident To Water Down Christmas Display With Islamic Propaganda

Today's world headlines

Sunday, December 14, 2008

New York Town Bends To One Muslim Resident To Water Down Christmas Display With Islamic Propaganda

The town is the tiny Armonk NY, pictured below.

Why on a holiday to celebrate Christianity and the birth of Jesus Christ must an Islamic Star and Crescent of the religion or as more often identified as a murderous cult of Islam that doesn't recognize the birth of Jesus be displayed alongside a Christmas tree?

This is why; because the Muslim immigrants, just like the Hispanic ones that come here illegally, (not the legal hispanic ones which are few) like to move to these small enclaves so they can begin to attack the town's governmental system and customs with little blowback from residents , law enforcement or governments because these small towns have little budgets and can ill afford lawsuits and legal actions over Christmas trees and such displays in most cases.

In a nutshell that's why, then before you know it the small towns become bigger towns as word gets back home that Armonk or wherever is Muslim friendly per se, next thing a Mosque pops up on the corner and a Muslim runs for the local alderman or city ward positions, zoning laws get changed so prayer calls are heard over the city air raid sirens and Voila you have Dearborn Michigan, the Middle East of the Midwest somewhere else.

Now back to the Christmas issue at hand, will they be accepting Christmas trees or mangers with the baby Jesus at their local mosque during the Muslim holidays?

Don't you bet your RPG's, Koran or suicide vests on that one.

So all because one single Muslim (pictured below) complains on behalf of another 20 or 30 at the most in this town of 3600 mostly Christians the town of acquiesces and says sure Muhammad bring your Muslim display and set it up right next to the Christmas tree celebrating the birth of Jesus, the person you don't believe to be the son of God. Now the Menorah I understand since the holiday's overlap and most Jews also celebrate Christmas right along with us, but with the Islamic representation I see the relevancy here absolutely NOT.

So we have to let Muslims spread their propaganda bastardizing and tainting our Christian holidays as it cannot be called anything else in this setting at this time as the Muslims around the world detest Christians and Jews, it's advertising for Islam nothing more or nothing less grooming the towns across America for the Islamic invasion taking place and it's working.

Wake up America, your losing your country. And the Associated press reports it with glee that everyday more and more outside forces are successful in forever changing the landscape of America to the poiny we (the liberal democratic half of we) just elected a Muslim president who pretends to be Christian. PLEASE Wake the f***UP

Star and crescent joins Christmas tree, menorah -

Yahoo! News: "ARMONK, N.Y. – When they light the town Christmas tree in Armonk on Sunday, there will be a Jewish menorah right alongside, as usual. There will also be something new this year — an Islamic crescent and star.

And if there are any Buddhists or Hindus in town who want to see their symbols, the town is welcoming applications.

The holiday display, sponsored by the town of North Castle, which includes the village of Armonk, is among a growing number around the country that include the symbol for Islam.

'We've decided to go in the direction of being all-inclusive,' said Reese Berman, supervisor of the town of 11,000, about 30 miles north of New York City and the site of IBM headquarters.

The star and crescent have been part of the national Christmas tree display in Washington for more than a decade. The symbol also is part of the display in Mineola on Long Island, which also features a Christmas tree, a menorah, a Nativity scene and a Kinara candleholder for Kwanzaa. And Wellesley, Mass., has had a star and crescent alongside its Christmas tree and menorah for several years."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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