Not Bush, Not Cheney, But Osma Bin Laden, Khalaid Sheik Muhammad and the 19 scumbags pictured below this post

If they want to be Martyrs by pleading guilty with full confessions as reports are flying around this fine morning, then send their filthy asses to Allah and now I say. Good Riddance tot he entire Muslim gang down there at Club Gitmo. This revelation and move by this slime will undoubtedly go a long way to vindicating everything that's gratefully been done under president Bush's watch to make America safe from another attack by these foaming at the mouth camel humping animals.
And here's a news flash for you Muslim loving liberals and your Messiah waiting in the White House on deck circle getting ready to close down that terrorist Cuban resort:
You people dismantle and change Bush's effective plans constructed against all your wishes that have kept all Americans safe for these seven years under his watch and we get attacked,
Guess What.... the blood will be on your hands and all over your faces, period.. enough said.
We can just Thank the lord the 19 slug hijackers from 911 that the Muslim world adores are at least dead and gone, or the world's liberals might be rattling cages for all them to be treated more nicely along with the scum down at Club Gitmo that is now pleading guilty to 911. long of coarse with all the terrorists removed from battlefields fighting under no nation's flag against our soldiers, that they and Obama want to bring to our own backyards and courts to extend them the same rights we Americans have and armies have under the Geneva conventions.

Report: Sept. 11 Defendants Want to Plead Guilty - - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News: "DEVELOPING: Five people accused of plotting the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks have asked a judge at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to allow them to plead guilty, Reuters reports.
The alleged co-conspirators — including the confessed architect of the attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed — appeared before a military judge on Monday. Mohammed had been expected to cross-examine Brig. Gen. Thomas Hartmann, a military legal adviser.
Nine relatives of victims of the 2001 Al Qaeda attacks were expected to be on hand to observe Mohammed's pretrial hearing at this Navy base in southeastern Cuba. Five were chosen by military lottery and they brought four other relatives with them.
President-elect Barack Obama opposes the military commissions — as the Guantanamo trials are called — and has pledged to close the detention center holding some 250 men soon after taking office next month."Mohammed and the other defendants appeared before Army Col. Stephen Henley, who was assigned to the case after the previous judge resigned for undisclosed reasons in November. The defendants, who are representing themselves, are expected to question Henley about whether any conflicts would prevent him from impartially overseeing the death-penalty case.
Sept. 11 Defendants to Face Guantanamo Court, Victims' Families
No trial date has been set, and it is all but certain none will begin before Obama takes office on Jan. 20. Still, the U.S. military is pressing forward with the case until it receives orders to the contrary.
"We serve the sitting president and will continue to do so until President-elect Obama takes office," said Navy Cmdr. Jeffrey Gordon, a Pentagon spokesman.
Jennifer Daskal of Human Rights Watch, who is also an observer at this week's hearings, urged Obama to try terror suspects in federal court "where attention will focus on the defendants' alleged crimes rather than the unfairness of the commissions."
The military commissions have netted three convictions, but have been widely criticized for allowing statements obtained through harsh interrogations and hearsay to be admitted as evidence.
While Monday's proceedings may be laying a foundation for a war-crimes trial that never materializes, the session could be dramatic. Mohammed has previously said he wants to be executed and achieve martyrdom, but has still mounted a vigorous defense, addressing the court and asking for materials to prepare his case.
The victims' family members, who were chosen by a Pentagon lottery system, will watch from a gallery at the rear of the cavernous, high-security courtroom and will not be allowed to address the defendants.
Maureen Santora, whose firefighter son Christopher was killed at the World Trade Center, says she wants to lock eyes with those accused of killing her son and 2,972 others in the bloodiest terrorist attacks ever on U.S. soil.
Relatives of about 30 more victims, mainly firefighters, have given Santora memorial cards that she plans to bring into court "to know their spirit is with us
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