Yeah? My ass it will.
This certainly will not be the end of this I'm sure, and we'll have to sit back and evaluate what comes next as there are other cases being fought in several states and the people who were denied standing today by the supreme court will be hear and loud and clear one way or another on that you can bet.
Oh, and by the way you liberals getting ready to fire off comments that will be promptly shitcanned as usual regarding this pic, the photoshop came from one of your own liberal blogs this morning from June still whining about the Supreme Court Hearing 8 years ago and initially had president Bush in the seal , so suck that one you fake highbrows.

Court won't review Obama's eligibility to serve:
The Associated Press:"WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court has turned down an emergency appeal from a New Jersey man who says President-elect Barack Obama is ineligible to be president because he was a British subject at birth.
The court did not comment on its order Monday rejecting the call by Leo Donofrio of East Brunswick, N.J., to intervene in the presidential election. Donofrio says that since Obama had dual nationality at birth — his mother was American and his Kenyan father at the time was a British subject — he cannot possibly be a 'natural born citizen,' one of the requirements the Constitution lists for eligibility to be president.
Donofrio also contends that two other candidates, Republican John McCain and Socialist Workers candidate Roger Calero, also are not natural-born citizens and thus ineligible to be president."
More detailed later version of AP story here , had to be corrected from the first one above by AP not me
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