> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Divisive Virulent Bush Bashers Of 8 Years All Of A Sudden Develop Class & Compassion?

Today's world headlines

Monday, December 8, 2008

Divisive Virulent Bush Bashers Of 8 Years All Of A Sudden Develop Class & Compassion?

To them I say screw you.

You mean the same people who created The Smirking Chimp, a site dedicated and based ont he fact that Bush supposedly looks like a Chimp? Or "The Bush Stole the Election" Mantra Crowd which includes every single left wing columnist and Hollywood star who to this day refuse Bush's presidency legitimacy, all because a bunch of dumb assed voters in Florida couldn't figure how to punch a simple kindergarten type voting card which cost them the election?

Talk to these people now and they have morphed into the high and mighty "Obama defenders of Freedom and All Things Racial" Inc. According to them It is they who are now the ones who have grown all the class and sanity in this country overnight, all because they managed to squeak a fraudulent candidate into the Oval Office on deck circle, a man who portrays himself as an African American who is actually more Caucasian and Arabic than anything? That achievement which is really his and not theirs exonerates their brutal behavior nearing treason at the NewYork Times and other publications during wartime?

Give me a break.

All because half of America simply want's President elect Barack Obama to stand in front of the nation with proof of his birth like we Americans are forced to do all the time in our daily lives, a piece of paper which he has again spent over 1 million dollars , not ten, not a thousand but 1 million to keep hidden from the public view.Nothing could be more simple to refute yet he refuses to do so and his supporters of coarse support this asinine behavior.

Below Local Tribune Resident Obama sniffer Eric Zorn, byt he way a columnist who will soon be looking for work like I was when the Tribune cut top level staff in their printing plants a few years back, since they are now going bankrupt like the entire liberal leaning half of the news industry because of columns and stories produced by thinkers like him. People like me have taken our subscriptions and shredded them as the worthless pieces of paper they are and were.

Here's what he has to say about Americans who want Obama to prove birth legitimacy to run for office like he demanded when he had three opponents thrown off a ballot in his very first election for various nefarious type technicalities. I say put up the certificate or deal with us for four years and see if you have the balls that president Bush showed for 8 years eating shit from the looney left wingers that no human being should ever have to withstand but did.

Virulent Barack Obama opponents won't go away --

chicagotribune.com: "Silly me. Here I had been thinking that the wild-eyed foamers at the mouth who were driven nearly to madness by the prospect of Barack Obama's election to the presidency were going to wait until Obama actually did something to offend them before going nuts again.

But no.

Those who spent most of the 1990s seething that Bill and Hillary Clinton were serial murderers and who devoted the entire 2008 campaign cycle to painting Obama as a mysterious radical aren't relaxing during the transition.

Much of their energy these days is devoted to the effort to block Obama from assuming the presidency on the grounds that he's not a 'natural-born citizen' of the United States, as the Constitution requires."

"Those who spent most of the 1990s seething that Bill and Hillary Clinton were serial murderers and who devoted the entire 2008 campaign cycle to painting Obama as a mysterious radical aren't relaxing during the transition.

Much of their energy these days is devoted to the effort to block Obama from assuming the presidency on the grounds that he's not a 'natural-born citizen' of the United States, as the Constitution requires.

Their hopes rest on several false and farfetched propositions. And they rely, in the end, on either the Supreme Court or Congress being willing to create political chaos during already very frightening and perilous times based on various idiosyncratic interpretations of constitutional language and other statutes.

The Tribune has explained the error of their ways in several stories, and after I added an approving 'me too' at Change of Subject last week, I was flooded with furious and patronizing e-mail from all over the country.

Many of these zealots claim to be mere defenders of the Constitution. But poke them, as I did in some instances, and out rushes the gassy blast of Bill-Ayers-Reverend-Wright-Tony-Rezko-Rashid-Khalidi-Occidental-College-Records and other points of concern that did not, to their dismay, turn the electorate against Obama.

Their little crusade won't go anywhere. But to them that will mean only that the Supreme Court has joined the mainstream media and perhaps Congress in a great conspiracy to put a foreignlike man in the White House to launch a Marxist revolution with the help of his terrorist friends.

For four years, maybe eight, we'll be hearing their shrill, tedious accusations, their daffy theories rooted in parsing and paranoia. Up until the day Obama's successor is sworn in we'll be hearing about his middle name—it's Hussein, have you heard?—and why he shouldn't be counted as fully American.

I wish we had the luxury to be amused."

We're just getting started Eric so get ready for the ride and see how you like defending the president you elected like we have Bush for 8 long years if this guy even has the balls to prove us wrong which he doesnt and he can't or he would have shut us up a long time ago but didn't.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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