> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Arne Duncan, Obama's Chicago Education Czar Patronage Pick Advocate & Proud Creator Of Homosexual Only High School

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Arne Duncan, Obama's Chicago Education Czar Patronage Pick Advocate & Proud Creator Of Homosexual Only High School

Yes, he has one on the agenda here in Chicago and has for a while, yet another dangerous drawback to Obama's old time Chicago buddy who is jumping the sinking ship here in Chicago known as the Superintendent of Chicago's public schools, some the very worst in the nation. An appointment I extensively skewered last week before it officially announced, but missed these tidbits that escaped my mind while enumerating all the other failures of this nice guy but overhyped cabinet choice as are all the appointments Obama's making.

Another thing many folks don't know is Duncan is also a buddy of Domestic Terrorist William Ayers and the Annenberg challenge here in Chicago, where radical schooling ideas are hatched and carried out, also the board of directors that contained none other than Barack Hussein Osam oops I mean Obama. Another Duncan tidbit, an Obama neighbor as is Ayers, just keeping things things amongst friends, that's the change your getting, The Chicago Way, Gotta Pay To Play the Obama way.4
Controversy in new education czar's past

(OneNewsNow.com): The director of the division of school advocacy for the Illinois Family Institute says the appointment of Arne Duncan as the new "education czar" has positive and negative elements.

President-elect Obama has chosen Chicago's CEO of public schools Arne Duncan to head up the Department of Education in his administration. Duncan is lauded by school reformers as a supporter of merit pay for teachers, charter schools, and student accountability. But Laurie Higgins of the Illinois Family Institute says Duncan is also a supporter of a proposed controversial Chicago school.

"Just this past fall, a small group of people -- educators in this city [Chicago] -- proposed...a homosexual high school for Chicago. [I]t was called the Social Justice High School Pride Campus," Higgins explains. "And the first step was to get his recommendation on whether the board should approve it -- and Arne Duncan did recommend that the board of education approve the school."

Higgins points out the mayor of Chicago initially opposed the school, as did an area homosexual group. They argued that the school would amount to segregation and that the school would not be needed if all high schools became "gay affirming." But Higgins adds that on the national scale, many homosexual bloggers applauded the proposed school.

"So my concern is that with this bigger platform and more support [through Duncan], that homosexual groups will now push for more schools like this," says the pro-family spokeswoman.

A decision on the homosexual school in Chicago has been delayed for at least another year.

Another concern over Duncan has been voiced by NewsBusters.org. That group says the education secretary-designate is connected to The Annenberg Challenge, which links him to William Ayers.

Homosexual High schools, just what a country and cash strapped cities and towns need for maybe .00023 of the student population in the US. Maybe they'll have about 6 kids per school, what a joke. All part of the leftward indoctrination of the country into thinking that the homosexual population is this great number of people of which it's not and never will be.

That is unless they can get inside the heads of young children as they are presently trying to do to increase their numbers, since of coarse we know they can't do this through procreation and the homosexual genetics argument is all scientific bunk on the par with global warming.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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