> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Joe Wurzelbacher Snitch/Snoop Resigns Her Government Job In Shame

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Joe Wurzelbacher Snitch/Snoop Resigns Her Government Job In Shame

Good riddance to this woman who is personally responsible for turning the life of Joe the Plumber Wurzelbacher into the dangerous fishbowl it became after confronting the untouchable useless Messiah back in October while standing IN HIS OWN DRIVEWAY and causing the Fraudster to utter the famous "Spread the wealth" line pictured below.

The confrontation & line that led the MSM and the lunatic fringe leftward blogging efforts to begin their on cue Sarah Palin like assaults trying to strip Joe of his human dignity and any reasonable expectations of privacy which we citizens are entitled to and rights guaranteed by our Constitution. That once revered document and Bill of Rights that we've come to discover the government no longer uses as a guiding principle, after they appear to have collude in all three branches and allowed the Muslim born usurper to be electorally certified on Dec 15th in spite of his skirting of Article II Section I regarding his birth status and ineligibility to be our leader .

So this broad who illegally entered and the eagerly disseminated Wurzelbacher's confidential Ohio government records is out of work and hopefully Joe sues her ass back into the 20th century, along with her former employer the State of Ohio for invading his privacy in such a manner.

Maybe now she can get a job as Obama's Maid or Michelle's Nanny, something of which she's likely more qualified than the 140,000 a year job she just pissed away by illegally attempting to ruin the life of a fellow citizen all to be just another hypnotized and propagandized Obama sycophant. I do hope she also has a future date with the authorities regarding this illegal activity and a state paid vacation at the local jail for these offenses that any normal citizen would incur would be appropriate.

Helen Jones-Kelley resigns from state job

Ohio politics: Helen Jones-Kelley has resigned as director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, Gov. Ted Strickland’s office announced today, Dec. 17.

State Inspector General Tom Charles found that Jones-Kelley, of Clayton, improperly authorized state database searches for personal information on Samuel Joseph “Joe the Plumber” Wurzelbacher during the presidential campaign.

Strickland suspended Jones-Kelley for a month without pay on Nov. 20 in the wake of Charles’ report.

Strickland had first put Jones-Kelley, a former director of the Montgomery County Job and Family Services department, on paid administrative leave Nov. 7 because of reports that she used her state e-mail account for political fund raising. Charles’ report also confirmed that she used the account to raise money for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.

She earned $141,980 in her state job.

“My professional career and the legacy of service I have established has been and continues to be far too important for me to allow my reputation and my commitment as a servant to be disparaged,” Jones-Kelley said in a statement released by Strickland’s office. “I also remain concerned for the safety of my family and myself.”

Strickland spokesman Keith Dailey released this statement:

“The governor values Helen Jones-Kelley’s years of public service as a tireless advocate for the most vulnerable among us. He understands her decision and accepts her resignation.”

..Here she is a few months ago at an Ohio conference for children making what would turn out to be one of her last functions as a Family Services representative before becoming ensnared in this scandal, again, all to be just another government shill and sycophant of the Chicag O Bama machine that runs over anyone and anything that gets in their way like Joe Wurzelbacher did suffering a fate that many more citizens may endure under this Fascist/Marxist regime that just took power.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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