> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: "Obama Baby Mamma Got Back" First Lady Job Description Now Going Low Rent Thanks To Salon

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Monday, November 24, 2008

"Obama Baby Mamma Got Back" First Lady Job Description Now Going Low Rent Thanks To Salon

I didn't make this up or coin that phraseology or the reason for the article in Salon I'm commenting about so take the racist cries somewhere else.

Is this now the First Lady to be Salon is supposed to be talking about or some BET Hip Hop Chickie of the month? We have now come to talking about the first lady's rather large a** as a celebration of being black as they called it in the article? I'm not African American woman of coarse but that sure would offend me, how disparaging.

If the first lady to be or present had extra big breasts would we be talking about that too as a celebration of being black , white or any other damn color? I mean could they manage to find some other less ghetto sounding reason to write an article about the soon to be president's wife, a former lawyer and college graduate not to mention first lady of the country, or should we now call her the first sista' while we'z at it?

These are the same people who got all bent out of shape when Michelle Obama was referred to as Obama's Baby's momma by some people at Fox News and elsewhere, a phrase she herself used to describe herself (and you'll see in the article is a common subject for discussion on African American blogs and mags) when he was elected to the Illinois senate seat he barely sat down in long enough to have a Colt 45.

So will there now be a separate vernacular used by the press for the next four years, one for just for white folk and a whole different one for black folk, sure is starting to seem like it, as the media attaches the word black to just about everything the Obama's say and do. Can't they just be Americans instead of African Americans, which I'm getting damn sick and tired of typing much less saying it, they're damn Americans after all and that's that. Can we finally kill this designation and the more and more common hyphenization of names and groups in this country , it's America Dammit and the people in it are supposed to be Americans

(Well actually the court's still out on whether or not a Kenyan and not an American after all was elected a couple weeks ago, a point which the Supreme Court will be deciding on December 5th for those who are not aware since the MSM dropped the ball intentionally during this election. Read about that here)

An appreciation of Michelle Obama's beauty -- and booty

| Salon Lifeooty | Salon Life: "Nov. 18, 2008 | Free at last. I never thought that I -- a black girl who came of age in the utterly anticlimactic aftermath of the civil rights movement -- would say the phrase with any real sincerity in my lifetime. But ever since Nov. 4, I've been shouting it from every rooftop. I'm not excited for the most obvious reason. Yes, Obama's win was an extraordinary breakthrough and a huge relief, but I don't subscribe to the notion that his capturing the White House represents the end of American racial history. Far from it. There is a certain freedom in the moment -- as in, we are all now free from wondering when or if we'll ever get a black president. Congratulations to all of us for being around to settle the question.

But what really thrills me, what really feels liberating in a very personal way, is the official new prominence of Michelle Obama. Barack's better half not only has stature but is statuesque. She has coruscating intelligence, beauty, style and -- drumroll, please -- a butt. (Yes, you read that right: I'm going to talk about the first lady's butt.)"
How ghetto

What a bonus! From the ocean of nastiness and confusion that defined this campaign from the beginning, Michelle rose up like Venus on the waves, keeping her coif above water and cruising the coattails of history to present us with a brand-new beauty norm before we knew it was even happening.

Actually, it took me and a lot of other similarly configured black women by surprise. So anxious and indignant were we about Michelle getting attacked for saying anything about America that conservatives could turn into mud, we hardly looked south of her neck. I noted her business suits and the fact she hardly ever wore pants (unlike Hillary). As I gradually relaxed, as Michelle strode onto more stages and people started focusing on her clothes and presence instead of her patriotism, it dawned on me -- good God, she has a butt!

"Obama’s baby (mama) got back," wrote one feminist blogger. "OMG, her butt is humongous!" went a typical comment on one African-American online forum, and while it isn't humongous, per se, it is a solid, round, black, class-A boo-tay. Try as Michelle might to cover it with those Mamie Eisenhower skirts and sheath dresses meant to reassure mainstream voters, the butt would not be denied.continued here

How condescending and racist is that last sentence and the whole article for that matter, I mean what exactly is a Mamie Eisenhower skirt and what's with associating it with Mainstream voters? What if I were to say "Man that woman sure dresses like street sister", doesn't fly too well does it?


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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