> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: The Definitive Report On The Hussein Obama Birth Certificate Conspiracy From A to Z and Back.

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Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Definitive Report On The Hussein Obama Birth Certificate Conspiracy From A to Z and Back.

This fine exhaustive report is the final analysis of the BHO BC BS by the man who first uncovered and exposed the anomalies and irregularities on the supposed "authentic certificate of birth" hastily posted on the Daily Kos website/blog back in June of this year of all places in response to demands for Obama to provide his proof of citizenship since he was running for the highest office in the land.

His half a**ed response at that time we all know was to post a obviously doctored document which Obama still contends is his actual certificate of birth regardless of the facts that indicate otherwise and point to the document being a complete fraud just like the candidate himself . This situation has taken on a life of it's own since all evidence actually points to the Fraudulent candidate being born in kenya as opposed to Hawaii as he has always claimed for the most part without much attention being payed to the fact of whether or not he was being truthful/

I've personally written on this story since August on this blog, it's about time the MSM woke the hell up on this story and you can read those posts here, all 10 of them. More on Philip Berg on this blog here
Obama's 'Born' Conspiracy Forged images, phony photos, and felony fraud:

Polarik's final report: "The following report is the culmination of over four months of intensive, empirical research whose sole purpose has been to determine if the images and photographs posted on the Internet are true reproductions of a genuine document purported to be Obama's original birth certificate. The idea for the research actually began from the time when the first image was posted on June 12 to the Daily Kos blog. I don't recall on which website I actually saw the story (most likely World Net Daily), but the news had gone viral basically from the moment that it hit the Internet.

Before seeing the image, I had no idea that Barack Obama's birthplace was in question, or that his status as a natural-born US citizen had never been proven. Like millions of other Americans, I believed the story he told about being born in Hawaii to an American Mother (and a U.S. citizen) and an African Father (a Kenyan national attending college on a student visa). I had no idea that this issue would mushroom and take on a life of its own. What I did know, however, was that from the first time I saw the Daily Kos image, or what I now call, 'Obama's bogus birth certificate,' that something was just not right about it. As someone who has scanned hundreds of thousands of documents in his lifetime, I had a hard time accepting that this was an original scan image made from an original paper document. As Fate would have it, right then, on June 13, I was looking at the conclusive evidence that the text on this image had been graphically altered, or 'manufactured,' as my first blog post would claim."

"From that point onward, I had no inkling of what was to come. I had no idea that I would wind up being the only person on the Planet (at that time) to have spotted the anomalies that I knew were the by-products of intentional, graphic alteration, and to go on record as stating that the Daily Kos image was a fake. I was also not prepared for what came along with this knowledge, for what I had to endure for making it public. Basically, I had painted a big bullseye on my chest and my research findings, and the critics were now coming out of the virtual woodwork taking shots at me personally, and my research, secondly. I had started a new online game called, 'Let's pile on Polarik,' and every little error I made was magnified into a major transgression. Yet, the crux of my contention was never successfully refuted.

Now, if I had to do it all over again, I probably would not have done it at all, knowing that I'd be spending the next four months conducting further research and compiling evidence on not just the COLB image, but also the digital photographs that were to follow two months later. The personal costs to me were enormous, and I will not elucidate on them (but for those who know me, they also know what were those costs). What began as sort of a curiosity turned into my personal quest for the 'Holy Grail,' so to speak. I was guided only by the need to uncover the truth, and by the constant harassment by my critics. Had they left me alone from the beginning, I probably would not be writing this report today." continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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