> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Liberals Grieve as Word Comes Saddam Stabbed 6 Times After Execution

Today's world headlines

Monday, November 3, 2008

Liberals Grieve as Word Comes Saddam Stabbed 6 Times After Execution

Liberal groups NOW, NARAL, NAMBLA and ACORN will be holding a candlelight vigil to commemorate the Ousting of General Saddam Hussein who was illegally removed from office with George Bush's Illegal war just when Saddam was getting ready to start cooperating with the UN, he even told Global Warming Czar Al Gore his plans to kiss and make up with the US and agreeing to limit mass murders to only once a month under UN observation only.

So when word came that it appeared that Saddam had been abused after his illegal execution thanks to George Bush's illegal war, Saddam's millions of liberal apologists and supporters immediately got word to American celebrities who agreed to perform a telethon immediately to help Saddam's remaining children who weren't brutally murdered along with Saddam in cold blood by US troops said Bathist surrogate in the US congress John Murtha.

Telethon host John Stewart along with American musical guests The Dixie Chicks, Bruce Springsteen and his special Islamic stand in's The Camel Humpin Al Queda band hope to raise millions of Euro's and repair relations between the Middle Eastern Terrorist community and liberals everywhere. All again in hopes of apologizing  for Bush's illegal war and years of hopeful future cooperation between the two groups with The New York Times stepping forward on behalf of US media participants by agreeing to a treaty with Al Queda to share any and all military secrets they happen to stumble across as a show of goodwill that surprised all in attendance at the newly refurbished Tora Bora cave resort in Afghanistan.

A move applauded by the Islamic terrorist emeritus himself, The Exalted Supreme Leader Obama, oops Osama Bin Laden, who only agreed to appear as long as the Hollywood stars in attendance promised not to reveal the location of the telethon, which they quickly agreed to as it will be beamed around the world by Al Jezeera, ABC MSNBC and CBS the following weekend so don't forget to tune in, right after the popular show Bomb Making with William Ayers with adopted son Barack Obama as host

Saddam Hussein’s body was stabbed in the back, says guard

- Times Online: "The body of Saddam Hussein was stabbed six times after he was executed, according to the head guard at the former president’s tomb north of Baghdad, who was one of the people that helped bury the corpse.
The claim is categorically denied by the head of Saddam’s tribe. The Iraqi Government similarly denies any mutilation took place after the dictator was hanged on December 30, 2006, for crimes against humanity.
Talal Misrab, 45, is the chief guard at Saddam’s tomb, housed in a large hall in al-Awja, a small village north of Baghdad, where the fallen dictator spent much of his childhood."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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