> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Another Chicago Friend of Obama,"Fast Eddie Vrdolyak" Standing Trial In Chicago Resulting From Operation "Silver Shovel"

Today's world headlines

Monday, November 3, 2008

Another Chicago Friend of Obama,"Fast Eddie Vrdolyak" Standing Trial In Chicago Resulting From Operation "Silver Shovel"

They should give Obama the Silver Shovel for all the bullspit he's shoveled into the American political landscape during his fantasy camp like run for president, but instead they are handing out prison time to dozens and dozens of Chicago politicians and other officials and have been for years as a result of a mountain of Cook County corruption and that is why the famous Chicago county is referred to as CROOK COUNTY.

This cesspool of corruption is a sneak preview of the gang of scum that Barack Hussein Obama cut his teeth and made his bones with and will be hauling behind him into Washington to get their mighty mounds of promised kickbacks and spork rest assured promised along the way by Barry and his handlers in order to get him up to the top of the scrap heap.

Don't say people like John Kass of the Tribune and a small mountain of bloggers like myself haven't been warning you for a couple of years about the stink surrounding Obama and many chose not to listen. Hopefully the educated and informed will reign supreme on election day elevating the war hero to the Oval Office instead of the Chicago Daley Machine Cog known as The Messiah to many sycophants on the left.

A man who may very well find himself the center of one or two of these type probes and convictions once Feds have enough time to sift through the thousands and thousands of illegal donations that came through his campaign this summer, meanwhile we can watch his many friends and Chicago political mentors and friends shove off to prison for their run of the mill shenanigans at least run of the mill for Crook County bums like Obama and Friends Like Fast Eddie Vrdolyak and his good friend Tony Rezco, yes that Tony Rezco

here's Obama withknown crooks Mayor Daley and Governor Blagojavitch
who's the target of multiple invetigations at this time for malfeasance, all 3 democrats

Vrdolyak trial puts "Fast Eddie" in slow, legal lane Vrdolyak finds self on unfamiliar turf --

vrdolyak center, rezcko left
chicagotribune.com: "When prospective jurors gather Monday in a federal courtroom for Chicago's latest corruption trial, No. 22 on a list of questions that a judge may ask them during the selection process seems surprising:

Have you ever heard of Edward Vrdolyak?

The former legendary alderman has long been known as 'Fast Eddie,' both for his dealmaking and uncanny ability to stay clear of federal indictments as aldermen were being taken down around him. Now he will face his own trial almost two decades after losing the 1989 mayoral election to Richard Daley and fading from the city's political limelight.

Anyone older than 35 would likely remember him best for leading a bloc of white aldermen known as the Vrdolyak 29 against the city's first black mayor, Harold Washington, during the 'Council Wars' in the 1980s. He is known to have been under investigation at least a dozen times, his name cropping up in such notable probes as Operation Silver Shovel, which toppled a half-dozen aldermen with the help of an FBI mole.""'He was always very smart, and he's a good lawyer,' said former Ald. Dick Simpson, who joined the council at the same time as Vrdolyak in 1971 and is now a political science professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

'He's always managed not to do anything blatantly illegal, even if it might have been a little shady,' Simpson said.

When Vrdolyak was indicted in 2007 in a kickback scheme involving the sale of a medical school building, some former adversaries snickered that the Fast Eddie they knew would never have been so careless. Alton Miller, Washington's press secretary and now a professor himself, joked at the time that maybe Vrdolyak was slowing down.

In a more serious tone on the eve of Vrdolyak's trial, Miller said he remembered wondering for years how someone like Vrdolyak always seemed to skate by while constantly being dogged by allegations of insider dealing. Vrdolyak always seemed to be 'smiling at all of us chumps,' Miller said, so if he did something wrong, it's important for the city that he have his day in court—no matter how late in the game it might be" continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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