> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Actually A Tolerable Read From Huffington's Bloviating Blog

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Monday, November 3, 2008

Actually A Tolerable Read From Huffington's Bloviating Blog

It's only tolerable unlike most of the liberal rants there only because of the subject matter which is the 2 new ads being played in key areas featuring down home American Musical Hero Hank Williams Jr, who's been pounding the road with McCain and Palin effectively drawing hundreds of thousands of Joe the Plumber like blue collar Americans to the rally's to hear the Republican counter attacks leveled at Hussein Obama and his Socialist/ marxist agenda for America.

Not on our watch if we can stop it Barry, or is it Barack, Muhammed, Barack, Bhupalli, who the hell knows what else he's called himself throughout his middle class although broken home upbringing along with his far too mysterious and equally radical liberal adulthood.

A lifetime admiring and spent palling around with the likes of The Hatefeful and Racist Pariah of the Pulpit, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the unrepentant domestic terrorist and current educational terrorist known as WilliamAyers. Let us bnot forget the recently concvicted felon Antonio Rezco, not exactly the type of associations one would expect from a top flight American citizen seeking to be hired as the president of these United States now are they?

New McCain-RNC Radio Ads Use "Bitter" Comment, Voters' Suspicions Of Obama:

Huffington Post "Two new joint McCain-Palin/Republican National Committee radio ads surfaced Tuesday morning in Montana, where the RNC also plans to start broadcasting television ads on Wednesday -- a sign of the state's new competitiveness in the presidential race. Both of Tuesday's radio ads suggest that Barack Obama does not understand America.

In one of the new spots, legendary country singer Hank Williams Jr. pounces on the months-old 'bittergate' controversy.

'When Barack Obama said folks like you and me were bitter, and clinging to religion, I knew he just doesn't understand small town America,' Bocephus says, adding: 'We love our God, and we love our guns, 'specially handed down from our grandfathers. And we resent it when liberals like Obama question our way of life. Don't be bitter, vote McCain.'""The ad then diverts into a 30-second slam on 'congressional liberals' -- a subject shift that makes the RNC's expenditure on the ad legal. A voiceover artist accuses these liberals of wanting to increase spending by nearly $1 trillion while 'rais[ing] taxes on folks making $42,000 a year' to pay for it.

'Congressional liberals call it taxing the rich. We call it out of touch. No wonder they criticize our values, but expect us to accept theirs. Congressional liberals, out of touch with our America.'

The second ad also tries to capitalize on any latent suspicions about Obama. A female voice, backed by an ominous minor-key piano melody, says, 'Barack Obama says he'll spread your wealth around. Here's Obama's plan: First Obama raises your taxes. Then he spends nearly a trillion dollars on new government programs. Spreading the wealth means government gets bigger, special interests grow fatter, while your paycheck gets leaner. More for big government, less for you. Just as you suspected, Barack Obama's wrong for you.'Then the spot diverts into another attack on 'congressional liberals.'

The ads started airing on radio Tuesday morning, according to an industry source who provided them to the Huffington Post."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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