No longer and in the good article he explains what changed him and why, something Obama is too cowardly to admit in exchange for power, which makes him one of those he deep don hates so much which is what I dislike so much about Barack Hussein Obama Jr, and it's not his color because half of it is mine.
Continue reading that article here if you wishBarack Obama Revealed, A Dire Warning from an African American...Newsvine -: "I have been hoping I would never have to write this article. I hoped it would never get to this point, which would force me to openly speak out against the first African American to seriously have a chance to be elected President of the United States.
But after reviewing all the Stanley Kurtz material on Barack Obama/Bill Ayers relationship, I've come to the conclusion Barack Obama is definitely under the influence of a radical ideology that is so dangerous, it could literally pose a danger to the very existence of the United States, especially when we have an economy already in crises, and a war in progress against one of the greatest threats we have ever faced, in Islamic terrorism. (Photo to the right is William Ayers mug shot taken upon arrest by Chicago police in 1968 - just before Ayers began his campaign in the early 70's - bombing campaign that is, not political)
I know Barack Obama. No I haven't met Barack Obama personally, but I know many African Americans like him. African Americans who were born in the 1950's and early 1960's who are now in their 40 and 50's in age. I am of that generation. continued
This is what I added to the discussion over there, a hat tip to this man who unlike many other African Americans and other US sub groups (which I can't stand as we are all Americans in my mind but still not many others no matter what we do) was brave enough to publicly speak his own mind from experiences as an African American growing up in the 60's, and that I respect and deeply appreciate. So I let him know with this:
Do you really want to put the toxic cocktail of a character mentored and tutored by Rev Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers in the White House?"
I sir do not and come November 5th America will have spoken in majority to that effect as well, along with men & women like yourself who were brave enough and free thinking enough to first recognize and then publicly identify the problems with an Obama presidency and thinkers such as you will be the true African Americans putting America first who will inherit the presidency in the next election or one thereafter.
And were it you running against Obama today Jazzman I would choose you in a heartbeat as your not only smarter than he but equally if not more qualified. Great piece here and best wishes
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