I was quite surprised when McCain lit into Bendover Barney and Chris Dodd naming them as co conspirators in the crisis in his Wisconsin rally Wednesday, the one that scared the living crap out of the Bro bama people, as they had no idea these such critters even existed up there or anywhere across the country since the media is ignoring the huge crowds they are drawing now thinking that state and many others are supposedly blue all the way.
This was the rally where the man got up and let McCain and Palin kind of have it for being too pussy foot with the terrorist lover Obama when he said this: (short version 55 seconds)
It was the focus of the Rush Limbaugh show which I am a premium member and he had all the clips from this fire filled rally and would truly ignite many undecideds if the media had the 'nads to play the stuff, that's why I have the membership among a few others..
Here's the same angry man who did some torching of his own and relinquish the microphone until he was done this is the entire give and take between he, McCain and Palin (4 minutes. )
However I'm certain it's a big no no to capture and post the audio from the shows without explicit permission so I posted the beginning of the transcript of it below. . The MSM has buried that sh** way deep in the memory hole. I wish everyone could've listened to or could now listen to Thursday's Limbaugh show as he queried many attendees who verified that the media completely misreported and mischaracterized almost all that took place there .
Yosemite Sam Lights the Fuse"RUSH: McCain and Palin are in Waukesha, Wisconsin, at a town meeting, and McCain just blamed the Democrats for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac! He said Obama and his Democrat buddies who covered it up, who bailed it out. Obama and his buddies in the Democrats who covered up, resisted attempts to reform it.
He says they were very eager to bail out AIG, very eager to bail out all these other places, very eager to bail out Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, but they don't want to help you with your home value. Now, he didn't say it as forcefully as I did, but he said it, and the crowd went berserk.
He said it! He finally said it! I can't believe it. I'm sitting here and I can't believe it. I'm glad he said it."
RUSH: Here's the audio, ladies and gentlemen, of Yosemite Sam lighting the fuse here in Waukesha, Wisconsin, at a campaign rally.
MCCAIN: So what was my opponent's record in the years before the great economic crisis of our lifetime? The crisis started in our housing market, as I mentioned. Barack Obama's most notable involvement with the housing issue was to be taking money from the executives of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. He took the greatest amount of money of any senator in history with the exception of the chairman of that committee. And he did not lift a finger to try to reform Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and reform what was clearly an impending crisis, which I and others two years ago said we had to stop.
RUSH: He went even further than this. He mentioned the Democrats, but he went even further than that. Now, he's still not naming names here. He won't even say Obama's name, "My opponent." And the chairman of the committee -- his name is Dodd! His name is Chris Dodd, Democrat, Connecticut! Chris Dodd, senator! Barack Obama is the name of your opponent, Barack Hussein Obama.
By the way, one thing about Chuck Schumer. Old Chuck, little press conference yesterday, whining and moaning, the US Chamber of Commerce not contributing enough money to Democrats, way too much going to Republicans. Hey Chuck, you loved it, didn't you, when you were telling us the California bank was tottering? Tell us all the other banks that are tottering, Senator Schumer. Didn't you say it was your duty to warn people? I didn't create a run on that bank, he said, my duty to warn people. Well, do your duty, Chuck-U. Cameras are ready. Tell us what else is going to fail, Chuck-U.continued
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