> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Another Obama Nazi Sized Rally Takes Place, This One In Missouri

Today's world headlines

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Another Obama Nazi Sized Rally Takes Place, This One In Missouri

The lemmings are still pouring out for their Fuhrer and every time I see one of these Obama stadium sized rallies only One thing and One thing only passes through my mind and of coarse that is watching this history repeat itself as the wise old baseball manager Yogi Berra once famously remarked in his glorious comical wisdom "It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again".
But there's nothing funny about the jackboots that came out then in support of Mussolini and Hitler who both campaigned on the platform of change just like the Modern Day Fuhrer from Muslim origins who runs from his background like an arsonist from a fire.
The ones coming out now are just as gullible and seem hell bent of suffering the same fate and dragging the once United States right down into their filthy gutter of immorality and welfare handouts for everyone and anyone who can get in line.
As they say the pictures are worth a thousand  words, and another thousand, then  yet another thousand in this case. As they say, live and learn...... Well maybe liberals follow that coarse, I learn and live, it usually works out better that way:

The Obama Rally Yesterday In Missouri....there have been many more as the media wouldn't let anyone ever forget, just like the state owned media in Nazi Germany in 1939. For example the Google search Obama rallies yields over 21,000,000 hits.

All this for a less than average half baked racist politician, basically no different than any other except for the sad American idolatry of his obviously pathetic followers who soak up his soaring rhetoric like stink on a monkey.
Obama in Missouri Saturday
Here's Obama again over the summer in today's Germany, still filled with fascists obviously who poured out to see the Anointed one Barack Hussein and his annoying one, Michelle.
A rally as many conveniently forgot which happened to have taken place in the very spot in which this man who Obama resembles in far too many ways Adolph Hitler remade in his image so shots like these below could be generated for the history books as well.
Nazi Germany circa WWII

Wake up America our very existence is calling, and this decision half the country is getting ready to make is the most ill advised and ill informed election decision ever made by liberal Americans who seem to want a government that controls anything and everything they do.

They must be stopped and overwhelmed on November 4th and forever more as the scourge that our grandfathers and their fathers so boldly bravely eliminated, is back in force in a big way.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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