We saw this recently with quite a few staged noose incidents that became in vogue by nefarious African Americans on some college campuses around the country, a firehouse where one was found planted by none other than an African American fireman looking for some monetary gain and a little special treatment ala carte. Then came the masses of Hispanic "undocumented workers" that we non pc Americans call rightfully so Illegal Aliens marching up and down our streets until the government finally quelled that movement by doing what was required of them by raiding arresting and deporting these criminals.
This on the whole was so successful that the nefarious ones within the Muslim communities egged on and led by CAIR have discovered they too can hop on the white guilt liberal created PC gravytrain as well, and "full speed ahead Achmed" will be the cry if the new king of victims, the anointed one Barack Hussein Obama is successfully elected in two weeks to usher in his "reperations in disguise" social redistribution of wealth agenda.
This plan we conservatives have railed about for 24 months now was uncovered in the deaf dumb and blind Obama MSM by the newest hated American by the apoplectic left, one Joe The Plumber", the single man that has Obama and his millions of minions shaking and quaking in their welfare bought and paid for boots as he crawls towards the finish line with his lemming supporters in full lemming- sheep mode baaaaaahhhhing to their false idol messiah for his supreme victory.
I bring this up as another victim of a so called racist attack from mean old oppressing American whitey for some ridiculous reason I'm sure that is all part of this plan to desensitize Americans to the chipping away of our rights via redistribution of punishment and penalty from the true criminals to the victims, the old Allah switcheroo I guess we can call it when it occurs from the Muslim community like this story has, in a community about 15 miles from mine where the Muslim population is simply exploding similar to Michigan thanks to sanctuary city policies that are open invitations to other country's problem residents obviously brought to us by none other than the illustrious lunatic left. Thanks a million, not:
Police charge student for faking anti-Muslim 'hate crime':WorldNetDaily"Police in suburban Chicago have arrested a Muslim college student for allegedly faking a racist attack by a masked gunman, an attack police now say never happened.
Earlier this month, Safia Jilani, 19, was found by friends in the basement bathroom of the Schaible science building of Elmhurst College, claiming she was clubbed with a gun by a masked assailant. Anti-Muslim epithets were found scrawled on a nearby mirror, similar to a hate-filled graffiti that had been found on Jilani's locker only a week earlier.
The college locked down the campus after the alleged attack and, according to the Chicago Tribune, later released an advisory warning students of a 5-foot, 8-inch, white male attacker guilty of committing a 'hate crime.'"
"According to a joint statement just released from Elmhurst Police, the college and the state's attorney's office, however, there was no gunman, and the attack was staged.
'The totality of all the evidence, and interviews with staff and students at the college … concluded that this incident never happened,' Elmhurst Police Chief Steven Neubauer told the Tribune, though he refused to elaborate.
Word of the attack spread when Jilani, one of approximately 25 Muslim students out of 3,300 enrolled at Elmhurst College, sent a text message to friend Carly Notorangelo on the evening of Oct. 9, begging for help.
According to the Elmhurst Press, the text read, 'Emergency. Basement of Schaible. Bathroom.'
Notorangelo told the Press she found Jilani unconscious on the floor of the bathroom with the words 'Kill the Muslims' scrawled on a nearby mirror." continued here
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