> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: New York Times Takes Side Of Illegals As Opposed To Americans

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Monday, August 4, 2008

New York Times Takes Side Of Illegals As Opposed To Americans

In this article below the New York Slimes attempts to make we Americans feel guilty that many US hospitals are taking the initiative on exploding costs by sending back home many illegals that show up for free health care at their ER's, mostly so they can instead use their somewhat limited resources for the millions of uninsured people that are legal US citizens, it's that simple.

To me this is not a humanitarian issue at all as the people being sent back are not here legally in the first place, so therefore they are stealing our public services intended solely for the American citizens of this country and that is that. Sorry to all the liberals out there, but America can no longer be the dumping ground of free goodies for everyone and anyone who feels like jumping our borders. Those ditching their homelands for the land of the free goods and services they believe to begin the engagement of a lifestyle which they steal life saving goods & services from the needy, those who belong here to the tune of billions of dollars a year.

This problem is no longer a laughing matter as costs for everything in the country begin to soar across the board due to the influx of millions upon millions of freeloaders in our midst both legal and illegal.

We hear the Democrats and liberals using the economy now as a reason to vote for them, however their policies include allowing illegals in the country at will so the continued drain on our resources and services will continue at a rate which we can no longer sustain. Nothing in the US constitution requires America to be the savior of the world as Nancy Pelosi stated she is on a mission to accomplish which is why she shoudl be impeached immediately as her only responsibility to America is to uphold the constitution, a responsibility which her and her comrades have apparently abdicated and the very reason all in government have lost sight of America's founding fathers intentions and instead have turned this country into a welfare state for the world,.

This must end and a great place to start is in America's emergency rooms and police departments, as if illegals know they will not treated for free and not be ignored by law enforcement they will no longer come here looking for these freebies that democrats have dangled out for all the downtrodden to come here and seek. Enough is enough and unlike the liberal Slimes I applaud these hospitals getting tough on the free fiesta.

Immigrants Facing Deportation by U.S. Hospitals - Series -

NYTimes.cssssssshe spends day and night on a twin bed beneath a seriously outdated calendar, Luis Alberto Jiménez has no idea of the legal battle that swirls around him in the lowlands of Florida."

Shooing away flies and beaming at the tiny, toothless elderly mother who is his sole caregiver, Mr. Jiménez, a knit cap pulled tightly on his head, remains cheerily oblivious that he has come to represent the collision of two deeply flawed American systems, immigration and health care.

Eight years ago, Mr. Jiménez, 35, an illegal immigrant working as a gardener in Stuart, Fla., suffered devastating injuries in a car crash with a drunken Floridian. A community hospital saved his life, twice, and, after failing to find a rehabilitation center willing to accept an uninsured patient, kept him as a ward for years at a cost of $1.5 million.

What happened next set the stage for a continuing legal battle with nationwide repercussions: Mr. Jiménez was deported — not by the federal government but by the hospital, Martin Memorial. After winning a state court order that would later be declared invalid, Martin Memorial leased an air ambulance for $30,000 and “forcibly returned him to his home country,” as one hospital administrator described it. continued here

Boo hoo, I mean that's a sad story and all, but sad to say that's 1.5 million dollars of our hard earned and badly needed tax dollars not for our own health care and premiums but instead for an illegal alien pt's extended hospital care with no end in sight whom..(as sad and mean as this sounds to all you bleeding heart libs out there) would have died long ago in his home country had this accident he unfortunately encountered occurred there. And furthermore, if he wasn't here illegally in the first place the driver who hit him while even though drunk would be alive today and he himself not gravely and permanently injured.

This woulda, coulda, shoulda scenario is repeated exponentially across America minute by minute day after day where crimes, accidents and such that would never have happened in the first place actually do, all because some selfish illegal alien decided that his or her own personal or family needs trump the need to follow the laws of our country, and subsequently cost others like you and I who are legal citizens their lives, jobs, health, hard earned money and so it goes on and on and on.

This merry go round of avoidable misery has to end, and now is the time for the flood of aliens and dollars to be dealt with and swiftly eradicated, which can be done and surprisingly the government has grudgingly began to ever so slightly deal with at our repeated insistence, but for how long these measures will continue is just about anyone's guess.

One certainty is if the New York Slimes and their ilk like Barack Hussein Obama himself and a cast of millions more get their way it'll never end and only get worse and worse, God forbid.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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