> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: "And To The Republic For Which It Stands" Not To The Democracy.....

Today's world headlines

Monday, August 4, 2008

"And To The Republic For Which It Stands" Not To The Democracy.....

I like many Americans see the Republic being destroyed right before our eyes and the greatest example of thsi deadly path was the immature King George type actions of Nancy Pelosi on Friday shutting down the peoples house with the cries "I am trying to save the planet"!

I for one am sick and tired of both political parties and I must say that at this juncture of the campaign I am ok with John McCain as an alternative to Barack Hussein and that's it, I am sickened by his illegal immigration stance and his work with the most radical liberals in government. So to be safe he must be elected out of desperation to save the union, but the next four years should be spent mobilizing liberal and conservatives Americans alike behind a candidate and candidates that will defend the constitution of this country for once and all while only defending the constitution, as that is the only reason they are there in the first place, period, end of story.

Not to save the damn planet, or stop AIDS, or anything else on the liberal socialist driven agenda, but to defend and enforce the United States constitution.

Speaking of such here's a great commentary outlining this very issue and is a must read as far as I'm concerned about the state of affairs of this republic and where it needs to go or watch it die and soon.

Save the planet? How about saving the Republic?

SmallGovTimes.com :: Save the planet? : "EDITORIAL - Yesterday, the Politico quoted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as saying, 'I'm trying to save the planet; I'm trying to save the planet.' She was responding, of course, to pressure that she and her fellow Democrats are experiencing to suspend a congressional ban on offshore oil drilling in the face of skyrocketing energy prices. It would be really wonderful, however, if the liberal congresswoman could get as energized about saving our once great republic."Herein lies another problem: the vast majority of our politicos (from both major parties) do not even seem to know what kind of country the United States was designed to be. Virtually every reference made to the United States by our civil magistrates is that we are a "democracy." That's odd; someone should have told our Founding Fathers, because they emphatically rejected the concept of creating a "democracy" in favor of creating a constitutional republic.

Has anyone quoted the Pledge of Allegiance lately? Does it say, "And to the democracy for which it stands"? Or does it say, "And to the republic for which it stands"? Of course it says "republic."

At the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention, a passerby asked Benjamin Franklin, "Well, Doctor, what have we got--a republic or monarchy?" Franklin replied, "A republic--if you can keep it."

Ladies and Gentlemen, that is the sixty-four million dollar question: Can we keep our republic? Can we keep our constitutional form of government? Can we keep our constitutionally protected liberties? continued here


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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