Our Declaration of Independence: "Welcome to the ushistory.org's Declaration of Independence website. This site provides a wealth of information about the signers of the Declaration, the history of the Declaration, and an online version of the Declaration for you to read. Continued here

Below is My Graphic Fourth of July Tribute to the Country and our Soldiers that work day in and day out around the world and at home to keep us Free.
Please have fun and be safe to all, and once again may we all pray thatGod continues to bless this, the greatest of all lands, our bountiful home we proudly and thankfully call America, truly the land of the Free and the Home of the Bravest!!! As for patriotic tributes and celebrations, It sure doesn't get any more American and beautiful than watching and hearing The Late Great Ray Charles performing "America the Beautiful " like no other human ever could nor ever will.
I do find it quite ironic and fitting that here was a black man who suffered through nearly the most racially divisive times ever chronicled in America neck deep, and yet regardless of those insurmountable and many would say impossible odds, he always stood proud and tall despite being severely handicapped physically as well as crippled by severe drug addiction that many never conquer. A man who simply worked harder and smarter than nearly everyone else in his field of endeavor which was dominated by predatory white businessmen with the exception of the few that he did business with. A man of unparalleled drive who for the most part never complained publicly at least nor looked for handouts of any sort. A man who most of all loved his country as much as anyone possibly did or ever could.
This sure is a worthwhile lesson for the Louis Farrakhan's, Al Sharpton's, Jesse Jackson's and Jeremiah Wright's of the world that racism when and where it does exist can be neutralized if not roundly defeated if one simply works hard and tries to give back to the country instead of demanding their country owes them or anyone anything for that matter.
Particularly over what everyone agrees now where despicable human rights abuses that regrettably happened here in the US, ending 143 years ago in 1865 by the blood sweat and tears of Republicans by the way that nobody in America today had anything to do with whatsoever. Indeed this country benefited greatly from their forced, unpaid and inhumane slave labor, but white Americans didn't exactly sit around doing nothing the entire time while the country was built mind you, so lets move forward from here and work together to make America better than the best as she already is.
I do find it quite ironic and fitting that here was a black man who suffered through nearly the most racially divisive times ever chronicled in America neck deep, and yet regardless of those insurmountable and many would say impossible odds, he always stood proud and tall despite being severely handicapped physically as well as crippled by severe drug addiction that many never conquer. A man who simply worked harder and smarter than nearly everyone else in his field of endeavor which was dominated by predatory white businessmen with the exception of the few that he did business with. A man of unparalleled drive who for the most part never complained publicly at least nor looked for handouts of any sort. A man who most of all loved his country as much as anyone possibly did or ever could.
This sure is a worthwhile lesson for the Louis Farrakhan's, Al Sharpton's, Jesse Jackson's and Jeremiah Wright's of the world that racism when and where it does exist can be neutralized if not roundly defeated if one simply works hard and tries to give back to the country instead of demanding their country owes them or anyone anything for that matter.
Particularly over what everyone agrees now where despicable human rights abuses that regrettably happened here in the US, ending 143 years ago in 1865 by the blood sweat and tears of Republicans by the way that nobody in America today had anything to do with whatsoever. Indeed this country benefited greatly from their forced, unpaid and inhumane slave labor, but white Americans didn't exactly sit around doing nothing the entire time while the country was built mind you, so lets move forward from here and work together to make America better than the best as she already is.
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