> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: The Obamanites Are Off Their Collective Rockers

Today's world headlines

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Obamanites Are Off Their Collective Rockers

The article I posted today from Tuesday's Boston Globe gives one an idea how ridiculously loony these people have become following this fraud throughout the primaries as they become simply drunken with delusions of self grandeur just like their fearless leader Barack Hussein Obama.

It's almost become comical and pathetic to the degree these sorry KoolAid drinking souls need someone to lead them from the darkness that seemingly is their pathetic lives, appointing this moron the new half black or half white Jesus after just 1 year of working in the US Senate and 2 years running for god president.

It reminds me of the nutjob followers of Jim Jones, who which the moniker "KoolAid Drinker" actually came from by the way. What a coincidence and I'm willing to bet half his followers don't even know who Jim Jones was.

HOW PATHETIC is all I can say each time I see another one of these pictures below or his nutjob rallies!! Here's a little picture of the very first group of people in the modern age who went so nutty over a political figure, and here's a little hint for the liberal Obama jock sniffers out there, it's not you Obamanites in this one, click for the picture history:

Now for some certified Obamanuts:

Pretty similar species I would have to say.....And here's some more...

Oh wait a minute, that's supposed to be our unbiased free press while supposedly gathering and then delivering the world unbiased news, who instead stand in line to sniff this guy's dirty underwear like the pathetic girly teenagers in the picture above that one. How frigging sad this whole scene has gotten.

Now here' s some more true certified Obamanuts:

As you probably know these pics are just the tip of the sickening iceberg, (here's a million of these sickos if those weren't enough for you) as liberal Americans have really become a sad bunch of idol worshipers, and we will pay dearly for them anointing this false idol more than anything they've ever managed to do in their lifetimes. Particularly, if this chameleon fraud who changes colors for every occasion manages to continue this rock starish, holier than though am thou act through November.

An act that has truly gone to his and their fat empty heads, clouding any reasonable judgment by the entire lot of exactly what it is that just one man as US president can actually accomplish in this world under a republic or any other form of government in this world..

And believe me, if there is such a person this guy is not that man and never will be. I'm not the only one that feels this way you can rest assured and I'm betting you do too.

Shine a light, Obama

-BostonHerald.com: "Oh, Lord it’s hard to be humble.

Consider poor Barack Obama - who has been forced to repeatedly deny rumors he was found wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. Sen. Obama’s supporters are so enthusiastic, expectations are so high, it must be very difficult for him to remain grounded in reality.

That’s why it was such a delight last week when, having won the Democratic Party nomination, he accepted the challenge with, as he put it, “profound humility and knowledge of my own limitations.”

And that profound humility was on display as Obama described the impact of his victory:

“I am absolutely certain,” he said, that future generations will look back and say “this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick, and good jobs for the jobless. This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow, and our planet began to heal. This was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation.”

Healing the sick, ending war, turning back the tides - all just from winning his party’s presidential nomination? Wait until he’s actually president: Free ponies for everyone!

Some may say that Obama allowed himself a bit of rhetorical excess, that planet healing and tide turning are beyond the mortal man. But to make that argument, one must believe that Obama is a mere mortal.

“Barack Obama isn’t really one of us,” San Francisco Chronicle columnist Mark Morford wrote on Friday. “Obama is a Lightworker, that rare kind of attuned being who . . . can actually usher in a new way of being on this planet.”

Morford, who like me writes a twice-weekly column for a major daily newspaper, can’t be dismissed as a fringe loony any more than I can.

Uh, let me rephrase that . . .

This isn’t some anonymous poster on a message board at the Daily Kos. Morford is a newspaper columnist arguing seriously and in print that “there’s a vast amount of positive energy swirling around that’s been held back by the armies of BushCo darkness, and this energy has found a new conduit, a lighting rod” in Barack Obama.

And how do we harness this energy to save the world and stop the forces of darkness?

First, find Indiana Jones. Second, see if he found the “crystal skulls.” continued here


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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