> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: What's Wrong With America Today?

Today's world headlines

Saturday, February 9, 2008

What's Wrong With America Today?

It would take a couple of days and tens upon thousands of words to enumerate even half of the obvious problems facing society today, but perhaps we can pick just one issue that effects everyone who sets foot outside of their homes day in and out venturing into a world that looks less and less familiar with each passing moment.

Used to be children learned from their parents the basic rules and wisdom first in the home with those skills then being utilized while the child progressed through the normal cycle of growing up eventually becoming a good and useful citizen and then perhaps a parent themselves.

Not today, as mostly liberal parenting now allows for a free for all type of growing up where the child is given free reign to do whatever the hell makes them happy whenever the hell they feel like it, forcing the society around the child to adjust as opposed to the child adjusting to society around them.

Like this screwed up family that is allowing it' s 8 year old son to decide that he was actually born a woman and wants to live the rest of it's life as such as opposed to being a boy after obviously seeing or reading some left wing publication or Hollywood sitcom / docudrama advocating such radical thinking for a child. What happened to parents runnign the household as opposed toi children ruling the roost? A BIG WTF is all I can say to this family and their poor ruined child.

For these reckless flower power new aged so called parents to cede this position to and 8 year old under their care is nothing less and full blown simultaneous child neglect and abuse.

Douglas County child, 8, wants to live as a girl:

The Denver Post - "The parents of an 8-year-old boy who wants to live and be treated as a girl have been working with the Douglas County School District to allow their child to attend school as a girl.

The child attended the unnamed school two years ago, and the family and the district have been talking since last fall about the child re-enrolling, said district spokeswoman Whei Wong.

'The discussion has been how best to do it,' Wong said Thursday. The goal, she said, is 'to ensure the kid feels safe physically and emotionally and other kids don't feel threatened in any way.'

Wong said some parents have contacted school officials asking for clarification and direction. 'Some parents are really concerned and freaked out about it.'

A concerned parent, who asked not to be identified, told 9News, 'I see this as being a very difficult situation to explain to my daughter . . . why someone would not want to be the gender they were born with.'

A national nonprofit group, TransYouth Family Advocates, has provided assistance in handling the situation.

Transgender children, who are born as one sex and identify with the other, are not uncommon but are not understood by parents and society, TransYouth president Shannon Garcia said." continued

Here's more on the ridiculous accommodation's being made for one misguided wayward and confused 8 year old at the expense of the rest of the children that must go to school with this poor under- parented and lost child.

8-year-old boy returning to class as girl
Teachers making accommodations, preparing to counsel other students

WorldNetDaily- An 8-year-old boy is preparing to return to his home school district in Colorado as a girl, so school officials are designating two school restrooms as unisex facilities, and preparing to counsel other students on the issue of transgenderism.

The report comes from KUSA-Television in Denver, which did not identify the third-grade student or his family in the Castle Rock suburban district.

But the report said the student had attended his home district several years ago, as a boy, and then had taken classes in another district for a time.

One parent, identified by the television station as Dave M., said children in the elementary school are going to wonder what's going on. continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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