> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Spread Of Radical Islam Continues Un-abated In Eurabia, Formerly Known as Britain

Today's world headlines

Friday, February 8, 2008

Spread Of Radical Islam Continues Un-abated In Eurabia, Formerly Known as Britain

Even 200,000 Londonite signatures opposing the plan are seemingly not enough to derail this radical faction of Islamists from building a 16000 person capacity Mega Mosque right in the heart of London.

That's a lot of potential terrorists in one meeting place at one time all bowing and praying to Allah while plotting the demise of the west, which often takes place inside many of these Mosques around the world regardless of the empty denials. The simple fact that there is even a need for such a facility outside of the Middle East is quite frightening for Britain and it's apparent dismal future trying to remain a non-Islamic nation.

America isn't immune from this mosque construction as they pop up in neighborhoods and cities more often than new churches do.

"Sister nation Britain, we hardly knew ya" is the cry now as Europe slowly falls to the Islamic takeover wave that the world insists on turning it's cheek to, the real threat to the free world that is real and easily ten times as dangerous to civilization than the favorite pastime of the left , global warming, that's for damn sure..Something they remarkably were unable to do throughout history and wars they are somehow accomplishing with lightening ease as the appeasing political correct western leaders and misguided citizenry clear the path for this historic world changing conquest.

London's Mega-Mosque Stirs Controversy:

VOA News - "Britain already has more than 2,000 mosques. No other country in Western Europe has more. Now, London may become home to a mega-mosque and many people are raising a fuss about it. Two hundred thousand people have signed a petition to stop construction. VOA's Mandy Clark reports from London.

The battleground is a derelict piece of land with a makeshift mosque. It is where the ultra-conservative Islamic sect called Tablighi Jamaat plans to build a sprawling $200 million, modern metallic mosque. It would be the largest in the Western world, holding 12,000 people alongside schools and a library. In effect it would be an Islamic village.

But the plan has sparked controversy. Two hundred thousand people, including many moderate Muslims, have signed petitions against the project."

The battleground is a derelict piece of land with a makeshift mosque. It is where the ultra-conservative Islamic sect called Tablighi Jamaat plans to build a sprawling $200 million, modern metallic mosque. It would be the largest in the Western world, holding 12,000 people alongside schools and a library. In effect it would be an Islamic village.

But the plan has sparked controversy. Two hundred thousand people, including many moderate Muslims, have signed petitions against the project.

Alan Craig
Alan Craig
A local councilor, Alan Craig, is leading the fight. "If you look at the effect of Tablighi Jamaat with this radicalizing, fundamental approach they love, and this separatism that they preach, it's no wonder that various intelligence services, the French and U.S. and so on, have referred to them as a fertile breeding ground for terrorism,” he says.

Tablighi Jamaat officials turned down repeated requests for an interview with VOA News. But Inayat Bungawala, from the Muslim Council of Britain, told VOA the allegations against the group are baseless. "I certainly do not accept any association with terrorism and Tablighi Jamaat. Everything that I have heard is smear-mongering and of no actual evidential basis whatsoever."

The infamous shoe bomber, Richard Reid, was linked to Tablighi Jamaat, as were two of the bombers who struck London's transport system in July 2005. continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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