> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Obscene Money Game In US Presidential Race Disgraceful

Today's world headlines

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Obscene Money Game In US Presidential Race Disgraceful

The amount of money being tossed about this election season is by far the most ever seen in any political campaign throughout the worlds human history, and American political influence has never been easier to purchase than it is today and the country should be ashamed at the open blatant display of greed and corruption taking place right before the world's very eyes as one cannot be elected Dog Catcher in America anywhere without millions of dollars to toss around on campaign activities and such.

Even more remarkable is that the Clinton campaign yesterday had to disclose that they have borrowed themselves millions of personal dollars from the newly minted Slick Willie empire in spite of the fact that her campaign has been swimming neck deep in campaign cash from the very get go, having already spent tens upon tens of millions of dollars scraped up from filthy donors creeping from every crevice and orifice one can find around America.

Dishwashers, cooks, bus boys, illegal immigrants and their growing influential lobbies are buying influence galore this year as we all know to well, particularly when the name Clinton is involved, synonymous with filth and corruption going back to the good old Arkansas El Camino days for Slick and the Skank, by far the biggest capitalizers on the office of the president after leaving office than all others previous combined .

The Democrats are for sale like never before, leaving the republicans in the poor house of politics this year by far, and the winner of the Democratic primary regardless of the outcome will spend the next four years doling out favors like we could never imagine in return for the generosity should they eventually go on to get elected president in November.

Clinton loaned her campaign $5 million

- Ben Smith's Blog - Politico.com: "Senator Hillary Clinton confirmed at a press conference in Virginia this afternoon that she'd loaned her campaign $5 million, and said, 'The results last night proved the wisdom of my investment..'

Spokesman Howard Wolfson emailed with the news minutes earlier:

Late last month Senator Clinton loaned her campaign $5 million.The loan illustrates Sen. Clinton’s commitment to this effort and to ensuring that our campaign has the resources it needs to compete and win across this nation. We have had one of our best fundraising efforts ever on the web stoday and our Super Tuesday victories will only help in bringing more support for her candidacy.

As I reported earlier, she's drawing on a pool of personal wealth estimated to be as much as $41 million, as well as a reported payout to Bill Clinton of $20 million from the Los Angeles billionaire manager Ron Burkle.

Clinton told reporters that her fundraising was healthy, but that 'my opponent was able to raise more money, and we intended to be competitive, and we were.'

Clinton also emailed supporters today with an ambitious online fundraising goal: to, over the course of three days, 'raise $3 million to fund our history-making campaign.'"

Absolutely huge commentary going on on this post over at Ben Smith's blog post featured above, an amount of comments I've never seen before in my blogging experience, 680 plus right now.....


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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