> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: He Has Risen, Obama To The Rescue Of Humanity...

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Thursday, February 7, 2008

He Has Risen, Obama To The Rescue Of Humanity...

Gag me please and excuse the comparison please, as I, being a resident of Illinois, have had more than my fair and deserved share of "Barack Obama Messiah from the Mountaintop " MSM bootlicking for this election year if you please. It is so pathetic watching white guilt laden liberal America slobber and fawn over this mere mortal man hoping since they have been completely unsuccessful at changing the course of anything they had hoped like the course of the Iraq war for instance in one fell swoop to rectify every wrong perpatrated on black America by electing Barack Hussein Obama president.

Although he is certainly, without a doubt a very energetic, accomplished in his own right and a seemingly quite likable individual fresh face in a sense, he is not the second coming of the Lord nor Martin Luther King, and he is simply not ready by any stretch of the imagination to take the reigns of the most dominant world power in human history simply by virtue of his smooth demeanor and endless wishy washy do gooder platitudes.

You know 'em..........the ones that he so often serves up on the campaign trail to the poor pathetic liberal masses in search of a savior of sorts, those that are always desperately seeking that next storybook, Hollywood type sheep herder. The next JFK, or MLK, just like the conservatives that always seem to be looking for the next Ronald Reagan as if there were actually such a thing or person waiting in the wings for the next act.

The one to lead them en mass on that long journey to their long searched for their liberal utopia via the decimation of these once United States by the systematic butchering of the US Constitution through the power of activist judges slowly honoring the wacky lawsuits brought to their alters by ACLU type America haters that never seem in short supply sad to say. .

The circulating internet video below is one of these adulating "We love Barack" type efforts that just simply paint Obama as the all seeing, all knowing Messiah of the left fitting the description just presented up above as true left wing socialist dreamland propaganda.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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