> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Teacher Fired For Sending Sextra Credit To Students Via Cell Phone

Today's world headlines

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Teacher Fired For Sending Sextra Credit To Students Via Cell Phone

These female sexually abusive teachers that have exploded on the scene must have been terribly neglected by the boys in their childhood years as they apparently cannot help themselves in todays schools as they literally throw themselves upon sexually developing young boys who must be totally freaked out that their teachers are after them sexually more than the young girl classmates in their classrooms nowadays.

How absolutely pathetic these women must be to shamelessly throw themselves at these young men while simultaneously throwing away their entire lives and careers just to feel sexually wanted by some pubescent youngsters for a fleeting moment or two that they apparently have never experienced before in their lives sad to say.

Norfolk teacher accused of sending improper photos of herself to students

HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com: "A Granby High School teacher accused of sending improper photos of herself to students via cell phone has been arrested.

Natasha L. Sizow, 24, of Alton Drive in Virginia Beach, was charged with two counts each of indecent liberties and use of a communications device to facilitate crimes against children, according to police and court records. She turned herself in Tuesday night, said Officer Chris Amos, police spokesman.

Schools spokesman Vincent Rhodes said Sizow was a first-year social studies teacher and the girls’ swimming coach at Granby. She was accused of sending photos of herself “in various stages of undress,” said Sgt. Jim Robertson, a police spokesman. The students involved were a male and a female, both age 17, according to Amanda Howie of the commonwealth’s attorney’s office.

The case came to light two weeks ago, when police sought a warrant to search Sizow’s cell phone for electronic data. A detective’s affidavit said that a school resource officer learned about the allegations and reported them."

Sizow initially was put on paid leave. As a result of the charges, that was being changed to leave without pay, Rhodes said Wednesday.

Sizow was released on $5,000 bond, said Maj. Michael O’Toole of the sheriff’s department. A preliminary hearing was scheduled for April 2, Howie said.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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