> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: NY Times Becomes "The Slimes" Again Today

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Thursday, February 21, 2008

NY Times Becomes "The Slimes" Again Today

A nickname that just may have to take on some permaent status at the present rate, as reporting a ten year old story on page one as fact that in itself is a non story to begin with, then increduloulsy expecting it to somehow damage John McCain in the eyes of conservatives (as if that was really even possible considering the present climate regarding the current conservative feelings on McPain) or fence sitting undecideds was a move even below the standards of reporting at the National Enquirer most believe.

It's no wonder the Slimes has recently let 100 reporters go in it's newsroom, since this is the type of garbage that 4 of their reporters on the story for months has not one source to validate the claims being made and is even below birdcage liner in my household along with millions upon millions of other Americans simply interested in reading the truth in America's newspapers .

To think this paper used to be not so long ago the leading "NewsPaper of Record" around the world, the epitome of first class top notch reporting setting the standard and the agenda in the news business day in and out for 75 years...those days are long gone and this paper will be run out of the business within the next 24 months I'm betting.

"Adios and good riddance Pinch" most will say when that day comes after ruining his family's vaunted Liberal Gray Lady from very top right down to the bottom..

McCain Says Report on Lobbyist Not True

My Way News - : "TOLEDO, Ohio (AP) - John McCain emphatically denied a romantic relationship with a female telecommunications lobbyist on Thursday and said a report by The New York Times suggesting favoritism for her clients is 'not true.'

'I'm very disappointed in the article. It's not true,' the likely Republican presidential nominee said as his wife, Cindy, stood beside him during a news conference called to address the matter.

'I've served this nation honorably for more than half a century,' said McCain, a four-term Arizona senator and former Navy pilot. 'At no time have I ever done anything that would betray the public trust.'

'I intend to move on,' he added.

McCain described the woman in question, lobbyist Vicki Iseman, as a friend.

The newspaper quoted anonymous aides as saying they had urged McCain and Iseman to stay away from each other prior to his failed presidential campaign in 2000. In its own follow-up story, The Washington Post quoted longtime aide John Weaver, who split with McCain last year, as saying he met with lobbyist Iseman and urged her to steer clear of McCain." continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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