> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Michael Moore is as Stupid as He Is Fat

Today's world headlines

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Michael Moore is as Stupid as He Is Fat

Just when you thought he had exhausted his stupidity to all lengths, here he comes again with another ignorant liberal idea regarding that newly retired hero of the left wing loons of America and elsewhere, Fidel Castro, and that event of all ego tripper events that Hollywood offers up once a year, the dreaded Oscars where for three hours America watches those self centered and patronizing actors and actresses pretend that they are the almighty themselves, kissing and each other's backsides gushing over one another while telling anyone else that is listening just what their views are on George Bush along with unwanted Anti American rants and views they can manage to spout off about while on the stage

As if that wasn't enough in itself, Micheal Moore has made it known that this year he would like to fly in his favorite communist hero, the one and only Fidel Castro so he and his fellow Hollywood socialist sycophants can kiss his sweaty communist a** for a few hours showering him with worship celebrating his oppressive dictatoship abilities while singing KumBa Yah and praying that he or someone like him one day will become the president of the United States fulfilling their dream of a socialist utopia from sea to shining sea where abortions and AIDS drugs are free for all who need them along with free condoms and KY jelly as well.

Michael Moore: Bring Castro To Oscars

Controversial documentary filmmaker Michael Moore says that Fidel Castro would be a "ratings grabber" at Sunday night's Academy Awards show.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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