> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Ridiculousness Abounds On The Obama Revival Tour

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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Ridiculousness Abounds On The Obama Revival Tour

This stuff has gotten absolutely out of control and if indeed these incidents are indeed true that are recollected in the story below, then these people who are reacting in this entirely unusual manner to the presence of the almighty Obama should have more than their vital signs checked as the fainting spells being reported are just absolute bunk and these people are undoubtedly campaign hacks who need to be throughly vetted and investigated.

This "Messiah Has Cometh" con job has gone far enough already, and this man and his traveling sideshow needs to be thoroughly examined and alternately exposed now before the entirely stupid and truly gullible manage to coalesce this November and get this fraud elected president somehow.

This type of hucksterism has been going on for many years as evidenced by this 1800's era painting that eerily resembles an Obama revival tour assemblage

Pretty strange resemblance I must say....

If Hillary and her hit squads don't have the goods on Obama or do and haven't used them yet now is certainly the time to reveal such or her candidacy is completely washed up in light of this ridiculous phenomenon that has now become the "Obama Shall Save the World" tour. Quite a long ways from doing bongs and smoking crack in ones spare time I have to say. Especially according to this freak that we posted about a few days ago who claims the Messiah has a propensity for hooking up with ugly fat white guys for lines and sexual gratification now and then

Swooning supporters fainting for Obama:

WorldNetDailySaturday "Call it the Barack Obama traveling salvation show – campaign rallies and speeches that seem like the secular counterpart of tent-meeting revivals and evangelistic sermons common in the U.S. a century ago.

And, in apparent similarity to the religious enthusiasm of that bygone era, some of those coming to hear the Democrat presidential candidate 'preach' his message are fainting as he speaks.

A video compilation by Breitbart.TV shows Obama on several occasions breaking off his speeches to address someone who has collapsed, usually close to the stage, and to call for medical personnel while he offers bottled water to the overcome supporter.

The similarity between the events and the emotive opportunity it offers the candidate has some on the web questioning whether the campaign is employing shills or whether the phenomenon is evidence of fanaticism and cause for concern.

WND reported on the latest instance when Obama spoke to a crowd of 18,000 in Seattle a week ago:" continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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