> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: At Least Some Are Grateful For U.S. Assistance and Bush Leadership

Today's world headlines

Monday, February 18, 2008

At Least Some Are Grateful For U.S. Assistance and Bush Leadership

This president has provided more of our money to Africa than any other president by far and yet all we hear in the US in liberals and Hollywood shills moaning and groaning there isn't enough for AIDS, this that and every other problem facing this perpetually troubled continent that the rest of the world completely ignores.

The citizens and leaders of Africa rolled out the red carpet for Bush this weekend to thank He and the US while also hoping to keep that aid cash flowing as it will, thanks again to President Bush's leadership and our generosity that his enemies wouldn't acknowledge if their own pathetic lives depended on it.

Now it's time for the world's selfish and violent Muslims to start thanking this president and the US as Africans gratefully have for all the blood and treasure we've laid out for that thankless group of people, also more than any other president or country in the world in history by the way.

Unpopular at home, Bush basks in African praise

| Politics | Reuters: "DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - Unpopular at home and in much of the world during the last year of his presidency, George W. Bush is basking in rare adulation on his African tour.

Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete poured praise on Bush in Dar es Salaam on Sunday, the second day of his five-nation African tour, each compliment applauded warmly by members of the east African country's cabinet.

Although around 2,000 Muslim demonstrators protested against Bush on the eve of his visit, many thousands more cheering, waving people lined his road from the airport on Saturday.

Banners across the route, decorated with Bush's image against a backdrop of Tanzania's Mt. Kilimanjaro, read: 'We cherish democracy. Karibu (welcome) to President and Mrs Bush.'

Others read: 'Thank you for helping fight malaria and HIV.' Dancers at the airport and at Kikwete's state house to greet Bush on Sunday, wore skirts and shirts decorated with his face."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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