> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Slideshow Of Not So Pleasant Campaign Photographs

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Saturday, February 16, 2008

Slideshow Of Not So Pleasant Campaign Photographs

At least to the candidates they are unflattering but some are good for a few laughs, particularly the ones of Shrillary and "Dumbo"Bama. I've inserted the best in my opinion below, the rest are at the website linked .

This Obama pic reminds me of a classic Seinfeld episode called appropriately "the pick" where Jerry is viewed in a similar fashion from a cab by his latest girlfriend who dumps him thereafter thinking he was diggin for gold. This is the front view of that scene from a wikipedia entry regarding the said episode.In his defense, maybe Obama is just innocently clearing out his right nasal passage after a few quick lines or two in his limo before this campaign appearance? lol
Unflattering Photos From The Presidential Campaign Trail:

wcbstv.com -"Their pictures have been taken thousands of times in recent months. Granted, in most of those photos the Presidential candidates put their best face forward, but we found some photos they probably wish hadn't been snapped."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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