> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: A Reason For Scrutiny Regarding U.S. Mosques?

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Monday, February 25, 2008

A Reason For Scrutiny Regarding U.S. Mosques?

There are quite a few reasons for such activity and this study below indicates the biggest one; that most mosques within the United States preach hate directed at the west and particularly to their host country, US.

They continuously and effectively twist and turn our freedoms and laws on their head in order to use them against the country and it's citizens, you and I in their ultimate quest of turning the US into an Islamic based country utilizing sharia law. And a big step in that direction will take place if Barack Hussein Obama is elected president you can bet as his soft heartedness towards Islam is no secret and just in case you think that isn't true, look at this picture taken not too long ago on a visit to the mideast and Africa:

I posted this photo 6 hours before Drudge did this morning by the way,

Nice outfit for the next president of the United States of America...You have never seen a US president dressed in the clothes of the enemy while at war, and the cloth of the very people that brought down the trade centers on 9-11.

"Obamination" is certainly right on target, and our blessed forefathers who's hard work, sacrifice and foresight gave us this blessed nation to safeguard will be spinning in their poor graves if and when this Muslim man manages to get elected somehow, and thereafter this then God forsaken country will get exactly what it deserves for allowing such a dreaded circumstance to occur on our watch, as opposed to electing true American patriot and unquestioned war hero like John McCain.

Yes he may not be exactly what many of we conservatives were hoping for but compared to Obama he's a Godsend. What a crock.

Study: 3 in 4 U.S. mosques preach anti-West extremism:

WorldNetDaily "An undercover survey of more than 100 mosques and Islamic schools in America has exposed widespread radicalism, including the alarming finding that 3 in 4 Islamic centers are hotbeds of anti-Western extremism, WND has learned."

The Mapping Sharia in America Project, sponsored by the Washington-based Center for Security Policy, has trained former counterintelligence and counterterrorism agents from the FBI, CIA and U.S. military, who are skilled in Arabic and Urdu, to conduct undercover reconnaissance at some 2,300 mosques and Islamic centers and schools across the country.

"So far of 100 mapped, 75 should be on a watchlist," an official familiar with the project said.

Many of the Islamic centers are operating under the auspices of the Saudi Arabian government and U.S. front groups for the radical Muslim Brotherhood based in Egypt.

Frank Gaffney, a former Pentagon official who runs the Center for Security Policy, says the results of the survey have not yet been published. But he confirmed that "the vast majority" are inciting insurrection and jihad through sermons by Saudi-trained imams and anti-Western literature, videos and textbooks.

The project, headed by David Yerushalmi, a lawyer and expert on sharia law, has finished collecting data from the first cohort of 102 mosques and schools. Preliminary findings indicate that almost 80 percent of the group exhibit a high level of sharia-compliance and jihadi threat, including:

  • Ultra-orthodox worship in which women are separated from men in the prayer hall and must enter the mosque from a separate, usually back, entrance; and are required to wear hijabs.
  • Sermons that preach women are inferior to men and can be beaten for disobedience; that non-Muslims, particularly Jews, are infidels and inferior to Muslims; that jihad or support of jihad is not only a Muslim's duty but the noblest way, and suicide bombers and other so-called "martyrs" are worthy of the highest praise; and that an Islamic caliphate should one day encompass the U.S.
  • Solicitation of financial support for jihad.
  • Bookstores that sell books, CDs and DVDs promoting jihad and glorifying martyrdom.

Though not all mosques in America are radicalized, many have tended to serve as safe havens and meeting points for Islamic terrorist groups. Experts say there are at least 40 episodes of extremists and terrorists being connected to mosques in the past decade alone. continued

Speaking of Barack Obama and Radical Islam, The leader of the Nation of Islam, about as radical group of Americans as they come, and when one speaks of racism there is no second fiddle to Louis Farrakhan, who spent the past weekend here in Chicago's McCormick place singing the praises of Barack Hussein hoping for a position is his cabinet should he miraculously be elected this November.

The Jew and Caucasian hating Louis, the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement award from Obama's mentor, the so called Reverend Wright of the Trinity church also in Chicago spent 2 hours denigrating whites while professing that Obama is just what America needs after 230 years of ruin from the white man.

What a guy, maybe Obama can take him around the country for a few months to show America the kind of people he truly represents and what his real vision for America is.

A Spry Farrakhan Sings Obama's Praises:

"CHICAGO (AP) - In his first major public address since a cancer crisis, Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan said Sunday that presidential candidate Barack Obama is the 'hope of the entire world' that the U.S. will change for the better.

The 74-year-old Farrakhan, addressing an estimated crowd of 20,000 people at the annual Saviours' Day celebration, never outrightly endorsed Obama but spent most of the nearly two-hour speech praising the Illinois senator.

'This young man is the hope of the entire world that America will change and be made better,' he said. 'This young man is capturing audiences of black and brown and red and yellow. If you look at Barack Obama's audiences and look at the effect of his words, those people are being transformed.'"


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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