> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Clinton Campaign Abuses Small Businesses Goodwill on The Trail

Today's world headlines

Monday, February 25, 2008

Clinton Campaign Abuses Small Businesses Goodwill on The Trail

More and more of Hillary's doe eyed supporters in small business are finding out that the senator's campaign people will leave them holding the ball when time comes for paying those bills they are accumulating along the campaign trail.

Originally there was the trashing of the White House, pillaging of the silverware and the W's on the keyboards upon their exit in 2000. The there was the story of the New Hampshire real estate owner getting shafted on the bill along with damages to the property rented to the campaign for just one day that I wrote about at length here.

Then there was a diner in Iowa where the campaign stiffed a waitress, Anita Esterday, for a lousy tip that many will remember, particularly the waitress. A woman who by the way the campaign tried to discredit and call a liar to cover that little misstep of theirs.

Not to mention the campaign still owes Iowa state taxes, owes Iowa food vendors, still owes $$ for the Iowa State Fair (held in last August 2007), still owes Iowa printers over $7 million in debts, a few who owe me for some republican party design work I did for their Chicago suppliers who will pay me when our guys pay them!

Clinton campaign debts are here:
and to be fair here's some of Brother Obama's debts left in the wake of Iowa as well .

Now word comes there will be many more littered across the campaign wake of Hillary's more and more seemingly failed bid, of which she and Bill should take out their personal check book and make good on since these small business owners where no doubt elated that the campaign chose their businesses to use, naively thinking it would bring them a windfall and a personal visit from their dream candidate, when all it got them was heartache, the hard shaft and disappointment, all courtesy of Shrillary and Slick Willie Inc..

I'm sure there are plenty of heartaches and stories to go around from all political campaigns, as I myself refuse graphic design jobs from local politicians and campaigns all the time for that very reason, I'll be the last person they pay you can bet. This is a lesson learned from years in the printing business when as a salesman I would bring in print jobs from campaigns locally here in Chicago and it was strictly COD with all political printing orders always.

Never trust politicians and their campaign people I'm afraid is a piece of advice many small business people are learning the hard way this time around.......

Small Vendors Feel Pinch of Clinton’s Money Troubles -

New York Times: "It was just $2,492.63, a pittance, really, alongside million-dollar television buys and direct mail drops.

But with Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s bid for the Democratic presidential nomination enduring a rough patch, Peter Semetis, the owner of a deli and catering business in Lower Manhattan, had been following the news and growing increasingly worried that he was not going to be paid for the assorted breakfast trays, coffee, tea and orange juice he had provided the campaign for an event in mid-December.

“I’m afraid of her dropping out of the campaign and me becoming a casualty,” Mr. Semetis said."

So on Thursday, he went to small claims court and filed suit. Mr. Semetis, 53, said he was hardly a political pundit but like others across the country, he had become caught up in the election in the last year and was able to offer some analysis. “There is potential for her to lose Texas,” he said — an assessment not at odds with the polls — “which would pretty much force her to quit.”

Mr. Semetis catered a Clinton event, a rally she did not attend, at the offices of District Council 37, the public employees’ union, on Dec. 15, charging the campaign $2,300, plus $192.63 in tax. Officials promised him that his business, Sale & Pepe Fine Foods, would be paid by check or credit card in a couple of weeks. After a few weeks passed, he started calling to see about the holdup.

Often he never reached anyone; other times he was told that his bill had been put through to the campaign’s headquarters in northern Virginia.

Unbeknownst to Mr. Semetis, Mrs. Clinton was navigating some dire financial straits. She was having a dismal month of fund-raising while spending a million dollars a day to battle Senator Barack Obama. She finished January essentially in the red, with $7.6 million in debts, and she was forced to lend her campaign $5 million. continued here


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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