> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Clintons & Surrogates Leave Legacy Of Trashed White Houses & Property Behind Them

Today's world headlines

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Clintons & Surrogates Leave Legacy Of Trashed White Houses & Property Behind Them

First they did it to the White House upon their glorious exit most remember, right down to pilfering the silver from the white house and Air Force one, removing all the W's from all the computer keyboards, one of the most childish stunts ever exhibited within the confines of the white house with the exception of Slick's sexual escapades in various rooms and hallways around the presidential property.

Now they and their Shrillary campaign staff have left a semi trashed office space in New Hampshire in their wake along with stiffing the accommodating landlord for the rent as well. Hopefully Hill and her roadies will cut the man a check from her little 5 million dollar influx the other day.
Landlord: Clinton staff stiffed me on rent

Seacoastonline.com: : "PORTSMOUTH — Rochester physician Terry Bennett said he rented a city building to people who worked for Sen. Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign — and skipped town without paying the bill.

Making matters worse, Bennett said, the 3,000-square-foot building at 236 Union St. was left trashed. Campaign signs were left lying all over the place, he said.

"It's a very nice little building, with an 1,800-foot warehouse and the rest can be offices," Bennett said. "There's a full kitchen and bath. They used it as a campaign center and dormitory. I expected them to hand the Realtor a check as they left. They did not."

Bennett said he wanted to be fair. The tenants contacted him and said they wanted the building for five days before the New Hampshire primary, which was held Jan. 8.

Realtor Michael Whitney said arrangements for the rental were made by Emily Walsh, who, Whitney said, corresponded with him from a Clinton campaign e-mail address. A New Hampshire woman named Emily Walsh has a blog written on Clinton's campaign Web site. She is listed on the Web site as a resident of Manchester. An Emily Walsh from Manchester has also been named a 1st Congressional District delegate for the Democratic National Convention to be held in Denver, Colo.

Calls and e-mails from the Herald to Kathleen Strand, Clinton's New Hampshire spokeswoman, were not immediately returned. E-mails and attempts to reach Walsh by phone, as well as calls to a woman who picked up the keys from Whitney, were not returned.

The Herald also made a call to Clinton's national campaign headquarters in Arlington, Va. A woman reached in the press office said she would try to get someone who could respond, but there was no response.

Neither Bennett nor Whitney knew how many people actually stayed in the building. The rent charged was $100 a day, for a total of $500. continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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