> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: "Fast Foodies" Gleefully Mock A Disabled Woman

Today's world headlines

Sunday, February 10, 2008

"Fast Foodies" Gleefully Mock A Disabled Woman

I simply cannot believe that of all people some employees of several fast food restaurants would make fun of a disabled person after all the crap they must endure while on the job day in and day out, but these particular ones did, and hopefully their bosses are now made to pay the price who will then in turn make them pay for such lowlife unforgivable behavior.

Fast food employees mocked a blind woman who needed help reading menu:

NY Daily News.com "Alice Camarillo, who is legally blind, says she was ridiculed when she asked for help reading the menu at fast-food restaurants like Burger King, McDonald's, Taco Bell and Wendy's.

She sued. A federal judge in Albany threw it out, saying the law doesn't require restaurant workers to be polite.

Yesterday, a Manhattan federal appeals court overruled the lower court, and Camarillo can sue the restaurants under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

'I feel good about it,' Camarillo, who lives in upstate Hudson, told the Daily News. 'I'm just sorry it took so long. Quite a few things that they did were humiliating.'"

The appeals court ruling means the 2005 suit - believed to be the first of its kind - could go before a jury this year. The issue is whether the restaurants properly train their employees to serve the blind and disabled.

Camarillo said annoyed workers served other customers before reading her just a partial list of their offerings. Camarillo can read large print when she holds it close, but can't make out most menus.

During a visit to Burger King, employees "laughed and stared" and pointed her in the direction of the men's room when she asked for a bathroom, she claims.

At Taco Bell, a cashier told her to wait until the rest of the customers had ordered.

"Put simply, Camarillo cannot experience full and equal enjoyment of defendants' services if she is unable to access the list of the services available to her," the appeals court said.

Last year, Albany Federal Court Judge Gary Sharpe dismissed the suit, saying Camarillo was never denied service at the restaurants. Sharpe said ADA laws don't regulate "rudeness or insensitivity" of workers.

The appeals judges' disagreed.

"While restaurants are not necessarily required to have on hand large print menus that Camarillo would be able to read, they are required to ensure that their menu options are effectively communicated to individuals who, like Camarillo, are legally blind," the judges wrote.

Camarillo's lawyer, Michael O'Neill, believes this is the first time a blind or disabled person has made such a challenge under the ADA.

"The way Alice was treated in some of these restaurants was just horrible," O'Neill said.

Lawyers for the restaurants declined to comment.

Of coarse they have no comment. What could they say to defend the behavior of the lowlifes that would make fun of any disabled person seeking aid of any type whatsoever.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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