> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Liberal Nobel Laureate Shows Nobel Prize Winner Ignorance

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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Liberal Nobel Laureate Shows Nobel Prize Winner Ignorance

This is what a supposed intellectual has to say about America and how backwards and out of date their collective thinking can be at times.

To predict that Obama would be assassinated quite expeditiously were he to be elected is a slam and slur against white America that frankly I find extremely insulting and ridiculous as the only thing keeping blacks back to day in this country are blacks, and I am sick and tired of black leaders projecting out to the world and blacks as well that they cannot succeed in America today due to overt racism, because it's a crock of sh** worn out scapegoat that's run it's course in this country long ago, and every successful black in this country today will concur that fact.

Martin Luther King would be proud and amazed at the transformation America has undertaken since his death in race relations, and those who are failing to assimilate and succeed are held back by their own parents and community leaders and their own laziness and defeatism .

Ask Bill Cosby for starters who's fault it is that many but not all black communities lag behind across the country, he'll tell you the truth.

In fact George Bush has been at more risk of being assassinated over the past 8 years than anyone in government white or black from the whacked out BDS afflicted liberals out there, and is only alive today due to unrelenting security measures and nothing more.

Obama will not be elected president in the first place, and in the second place is as safe as I am in this country today or any other day as he's been in government for nearly a decade in some capacity or another and is not in any danger whatsoever.

This isn't Baghdad Mrs Lessing, you ignorant British Witch..

Obama will be assassinated if he wins: Nobel winner Lessing:

Breitbart"If Barack Obama becomes the next US president he will surely be assassinated, British Nobel literature laureate Doris Lessing predicted in a newspaper interview published here Saturday.

Obama, who is vying to become the first black president in US history, 'would certainly not last long, a black man in the position of president. They would murder him,' Lessing, 88, told the Dagens Nyheter daily.

Lessing, who won the 2007 Nobel Literature Prize, said it might be better if Obama's Democratic rival Hillary Clinton were to succeed in her bid to become the first woman president of the United States.

'The best thing would be if they (Clinton and Obama) were to run together. Hillary is a very sharp lady. It might be calmer if she were to win, and not Obama,' she said."

What a stupid Bi****, this is who they hand out Nobel's to nowadays, frauds like Al Gore and this supposed intellectual.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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