> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Another American Town Treats Their "Ultimate Protectors" Like Garbage

Today's world headlines

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Another American Town Treats Their "Ultimate Protectors" Like Garbage

You can bet were the town under siege from terrorists or a natural disaster, this shi*head mayor would be the first to call the US Military to come defend his town or fill sandbags and remove rubble from a flood or tornado destruction.

But in peacetime this Democrat jerkoff sends the Marines home while shouting "they're not playing war in my town" after the Marine exercise was OK'd by the local police department in advance.

This was all later blamed on a pretty severe miscommunication between the Mayor and the PD.

Maybe the next communication to this mayor should be loud and clear from the local voters telling him to get the **** out of dodge this time for treating our fine military in such a shameful manner.
Mayor kicks Marines out of Toledo

News : WNWO NBC24: "TOLEDO, OH -- Mayor Carty Finkbeiner on Friday ordered some 200 members of Company A, 1st Battalion, 24th Marines from Grand Rapids, Michigan, out of Toledo just before the unit was suppose to start a weekend of urban warfare training downtown.

The mayor’s spokesperson Brian Schwartz said, “the mayor asked them to leave because they frighten people. He did not want them practicing and drilling in a highly visible area.

Toledo police said they knew about the training and had approved the unit’s use of the Madison Building and the Promenade Park area. The training was scheduled to start Friday afternoon and last until Sunday. Police said the unit’s presence would have a minimal impact on the city. Police issued a press release earlier in the week saying the Marines would be wearing green camouflage uniforms, operate military vehicles, carry rifles, perform foot patrols,and fire blank ammunition during the exercise.

Schwartz said there was a breakdown in communication between police and the Finkbeiner administration that led to the mayor’s action.

“The Marines drilled here three times during the Ford administration and once under the Finkbeiner administration. After the last visit, the mayor told then police chief Jack Smith, that he did not want the marines back. Smith failed to inform the current police administration of the mayor’s feelings,” Schwartz said.

NBC24 spoke to Jack Smith who recalled that after the Marines last visit, he and the mayor had a heated exchange about the training.

“He told me he did not want them, as he put it, 'playing war in Toledo,'" Smith recalled. "I told him, as a former Marine, that if one young Marine’s life is saved because of training he or she received in Toledo, Ohio, then it was worth the inconvenience.” continued

Damn right, and it just may be the mayor's life that is saved one day..then again, maybe not.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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