> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: My Only Memory From Last Night's Debate?

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Friday, February 22, 2008

My Only Memory From Last Night's Debate?

Aside of coarse from the usual endless liberal "we are the world saviors" crap emanating from these two candidates in this campaign. I've never seen two presidential candidates with less experience between them that claim to have so much experience in politics that can be disproved with a simple 5 minute google records check.

It's incredible to me that these candidates have gotten so far on so little when there are literally millions and millions of African American and Female Americans more experienced and qualified to be the president of this great country than these two hyperbole masters.

Both are brutally un-notable senators, Obama less noteworthy both the state and the federal level, so I guess that gives him more of less experience than Hill (lol) claims to have, or more years of less and less accomplishments.

I wasn't aware of the fact that occasional pillow talk with the at the time "President/ Rapist in Chief actually qualifies as applicable presidential resume experience mixed in with an absentee landlord senatorial gig up in New York that the voters there allowed her to get away with.

In Obama's case, his experience consists of being a multiple term Illinois state senator who actually registered more present votes on his cumulative watch than yeas or nays combined. Quite easy to navigate the landscape when you cut grass on both sides of the fence. It's amazing to me and millions of others that these simple and yet all important facts are making it through the entire primary selection process without being addressed by the lap licking, liberal leaning and in the tank MSM.

These two candidates of "Change and Hope" (puke) have really cracked the code on how to grease the skids for a senator to the presidency, not an easy to accomplish heat which has never been done before by the way in this country which happens for a reason of coarse.

The easy to explain reason is of coarse that being a Senator or Congressperson usually leaves behind long voting that tend to follow them around, records that will usually disqualify them in one way or another from serving as president due to the inability to satisfy all the different factions of voters that are required in a general election.

And long records are the absolute polar opposite of what these two candidates possess, that's for sure and you can bet that this is no accident, although the Clinton machinery wasn't counting on this "ObamaRama Liberal revival tour" to actually gain traction as it has , nor was anyone else for that matter. That is why this aberration will eventually flame out leaving John McPain as the next president. .

The biggest problem the country has is that we on the right already know most of this to the point of even admitting our own presidential offerings have much to be desired and not making the grade, it's getting the sycophants on the left who are acting as if this is just another season of American Idol, as opposed to an all important presidential election for the most important job on the face of planet earth besides motherhood of coarse, which remarkably the left also considers to be an absentee ownership position as well thanks to the liberal convenience of abortion that is.

So, here is a great OP ED I read in regards to this incredulous "Magical Mystery "of Hillary and Barack explaining what exactly is exactly going on with the liberal electorate and their amazing absent minded acceptance of these two of the least experienced candidates for president that anyone can recollect in recent times:

This good author Brad McDonald calls it...........

"Abdication Of Reason"

theTrumpet.com: "What can we deduce about the state of mind of those who rally, sometimes with remarkable fervor, behind a man they know nothing about?

Abdication of reason.

In the Emory Wheel, the student newspaper of Emory College, Josh Prywes reported, “Pollster Frank Luntz asked college students at a recent focus group to name the candidate they were going to vote for. All of them said Obama, but when Luntz followed up by asking them to name a single accomplishment of the senator, they couldn’t name one. Nobody could name a single accomplishment that Senator Obama has achieved” (emphasis mine throughout).

Can you?

Barack Obama is an unrivaled political sensation, a political phenomenon on pace to become the Democratic nominee for president of the United States.

Senator Obama’s success is spectacular not just for its scale, but for the means by which it has come about. The strategy employed by the Obama campaign, as commentators—including some on the liberal bench—have observed lately, has been one of substituting rhetoric for reason, and style for substance, in an effort to win the hearts of supporters with a syrupy message of change, hope and inspiration. It’s the same style as that adopted by many a Pentecostal preacher, and it seems to be having the same spellbinding results."

"But though the senator’s message of “change” may be enthralling—especially when delivered Obama-style, with a big toothy smile, vibrant body language and the perpetual use of emotionally inclusive language—there is no particular agenda offered for that change, no goal mentioned to hope for, no laid-out strategy. Obama’s message is geared to obtaining one climactic, emotionally inspired action from his enraptured audiences: vote for Obama!

It’s a campaign founded on the abdication of reason in exchange for the embodiment of emotion.

So far, it has worked. In his column last Friday, Charles Krauthammer assembled a disturbing montage of the feverish support behind Senator Obama. Despite the stark contrast “between his broad rhetoric and his narrow agenda,” said Newsweek columnist Robert Samuelson, “the press corps—preoccupied with the political ‘horse race’—has treated his invocation of ‘change’ as a serious idea rather than a shallow campaign slogan. He seems to have hypnotized much of the media and the public with his eloquence and the symbolism of his life story. The result is a mass delusion that Obama is forthrightly engaging the nation’s problems when, so far, he isn’t.”
Keep reading this one, it's good.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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