> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Local College Joins Growing List Of Psycho Kill Zones

Today's world headlines

Friday, February 15, 2008

Local College Joins Growing List Of Psycho Kill Zones

This town of DeKalb, which I spent very much time in visiting back in the early 80's before I went east for school (thanks to many close friends attending there and local Kishwaukee College) saw a scene becoming all too familiar to America and the world as well, as a disgruntled and somehow wronged individual in his perverted eyes sets out to take the lives of innocents because his life somehow went astray one way or another.

A warped take on the eye for an eye principle from the view of the obviously severely mentally disturbed.

Most will knee jerk and cry "handguns kill people" and all the other similar left wing cries that seek to punish the masses for the acts of the insane and few, which may even be the motivation behind some of these acts for all we know.

All we do know is that today, thanks to yet another cowardly nut running loose, there are 7 less much loved, growing up and contributing Americans today in our towns and neighborhoods, and they will be mourned and missed like all the other victims piling up around the country of people who should be caged somehow or another before these types of tragedies ever happen like it will emerge this person probably should have been but nobody wished to get involved in order to try and prevent such a tragedy if the can be stopped at all.

Shooting stuns university community -

Crime & courts- msnbc.com: "DEKALB, Ill. - Word of the ambush attack inside a lecture hall at Northern Illinois University on Thursday sent panic throughout the sprawling campus.

Jerry Santoni was in a back row of the hall when he saw a man walk onto the stage and open fire.

'I saw him shoot one round at the teacher,' Santoni said. 'After that, I proceeded to get down as fast as I could.'"

Santoni dived down, hitting his head on the seat in front of him with such violence that it left a knot on his forehead. Then he fled Cole Hall.

Authorities said the intruder, a former student wielding a shotgun and two handguns, killed five people and wounded more than a dozen others before killing himself.

Senior Ashley Dallman said she was in an acting class in a neighboring building when several students from Cole Hall came running in. Her professors locked the doors and they listened to news reports on the radio for about an hour before school officials told them they could leave.

"We all started crying," she said. "We didn't know what to do. It was a very intense moment."

Police said they got to the hall within two minutes of the 3 p.m. shooting. Alan Edrinn, 21, a journalism major from Matteson, Ill., arrived outside Cole Hall a half hour later.

"It was very chaotic. People were definitely in a panic," Edrinn said. "I saw bodies on the sidewalk, it looked like two, people were attending to them."

From Google News on this tragedy

BREAKING NEWS: Six dead in NIU shooting
Galesburg.com, IL - 8 hours ago
One of the two NIU shooting victims at OSF Saint Anthony Medical Center has been upgraded from critical to serious condition, hospital spokesman Mike ...
Video: Student: Deadly Campus Shooting 'Freaky' AssociatedPress6 Dead In NIU Shooting Spree, Gunman Took His Own Life WBBM780
Ex-student kills 5 in Illinois university classroom MarketWatch
all 3,003 news articles »


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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