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Today's world headlines

Friday, February 15, 2008

$$$uper-Dems For $$$ale

Here's a little tidbit of very interesting information we won't see too often talked about anywhere in the MSM or by the candidates themselves. Nothing could be more sleazier than this set up..

Superdelegates get campaign cash -

2008 Presidential Campaign Blog - Political Intelligence

- Boston.com: "Many of the superdelegates who could well decide the Democratic presidential nominee have already been plied with campaign contributions by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, a new study shows.

'While it would be unseemly for the candidates to hand out thousands of dollars to primary voters, or to the delegates pledged to represent the will of those voters, elected officials serving as superdelegates have received about $890,000 from Obama and Clinton in the form of campaign contributions over the last three years,' the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics reported today.

About half the 800 superdelegates -- elected officials, party leaders, and others -- have committed to either Clinton or Obama, though they can change their minds until the convention.

Obama's political action committee has doled out more than $694,000 to superdelegates since 2005, the study found, and of the 81 who had announced their support for Obama, 34 had received donations totaling $228,000.

Clinton's political action committee has distributed about $195,000 to superdelegates, and only 13 of the 109 who had announced for her have received money, totaling about $95,000."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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