Lawyer: Chapman's son sold N-word tape
HONOLULU - Television bounty hunter Duane "Dog" Chapman's son taped a private phone conversation in which the reality star used a racial slur repeatedly, then sold it to a tabloid for "a lot of money," Chapman's lawyer said Thursday. continued"I guess because of whatever level of anger he had of his father, he felt the need to express it in that manner," attorney Brook Hart told The Associated Press.
Tucker Chapman could not be reached for comment; no one answered the telephone at a Honolulu number listed under his name.
What betrayal. I would kill my son where this my family.
Original post below..........
National Enquirer Sets Up Duane "Dog" Chapman?
It sure seems to look that way.
This is what he's gotta be feeling like today I'm sure after this tape being spread around the world thanks to his somewhat brainpower challenged son and his seemingly complicit sell out girlfriend, along the National Enquirer and their money then having his private feelings about their relationship being revealed in this way.

Meanwhile the not so bright son (or possibly money hungry and vindictive son) is on the phone begging his Dad to like his new girlfriend, which he apparently and obviously from the tape doesn't too much, although Chapman goes on in the same conversation to explain that the reason why he doesn't like her is because he thinks she is using him to cash in, which she ultimately does with this tape it appears.
Surprise surprise...... there's the very conversation spilled all over the world extolling the very thing he was afraid of happening in what he thinks is a completely private phone call between a father and his now seemingly two faced son and not at all for the public consumption..I guess Chapman didn't think his phones were being tapped either by Enquirer, the girlfriend or lastly by his own son, although he knows they (the Enquirer) are following him around trying to extract this very thing that he turns and supplies them strangely.
He sure stepped in hornets nest with this tape regardless, and that's just too bad as the guy does do an awful lot of good out there by what he does and no one ever said he was a girlscout, although this is of no consequence to the scandal hungry tabloids and the race baiters as he'll be Imused over this without a second thought.
And you all know damn well that that Jackson, Sharpton & Innes New Millennium style lynching brigade are gonna get out their virtual cyber rope and tree and lynch themselves yet another white man, and love every damn second of it . Three in a row tootsie roll! (Richards, Imus, Chapman in that order)
They've already stopped the production of his show at A&E and he had better have hopefully saved a lot of the money from this show because you know they'll be backing down from the lynch brigade at A&E and taking the thing off the air without much thought. He's still a bounty hunter and this won't change that a bit.
I truly don't approve of the bile that he spilled out on that tape, but here and now one can't even talk to his own son on the telephone without it somehow ending up all over the world on the internet for eternity nowadays because of greed and the money involved nowadays, and something sure isn't right about that either.
Somebody (actually many bodies today are much richer because of this set up scenario and they should all be looked at with an equally discerning eye in my opinion.
TMZ, that new slime /sleaze website and it's goofy sister Harvey Levin run TV show that loves this kind of celebrity meltdown stuff just like the Enquirer has a post or two about Chapman's reaction now to the revealing of this tape, where he compares this situation to Don Imus, which I'm afraid I have to say is really no comparison whatsoever sadly for him.NATIONAL ENQUIRER WORLD EXCLUSIVE
Celebrity News | Gossip: "Dog Chapman has been captured spewing foul-mouthed racist slurs on a tape obtained exclusively by The NATIONAL ENQUIRER. And now a civil rights leader is calling for Dog's TV show to be removed from the airwaves. In a shocking world exclusive The ENQUIRER has obtained tapes of two revolting phone conversations in which Duane 'Dog' Chapman unleashes a filthy bigoted attack, littered with the N-word and other disgusting racial insults."
As this rant was really much worse, although it was supposedly what he thought to be a private phone conversation with his own son that obviously wasn't meant for public consumption, where Imus's baby rant was all over the airwaves during a live radio show, big difference in that regard. I
Dog -- I'm No Imus! ....TMZ has reached out to Dog the Bounty Hunter for comment on his racist rant, caught on audiotape and published by the National Enquirer. We were told Dog would not say anything, but we were referred to his pastor.Pastor Tim Storey, an African-American, told us that he spoke with Dog, who cried for 30 minutes, saying, "I'm shocked, I'm wrong I repent. Can you believe, Tim, that I'm going to be put in the same category as Imus." Pastor Storey, whom USA Today has referred to as "Pastor to the stars," told TMZ, "I was shocked, because I don't know that to be Duane." He went on, "I felt that he had to be accountable to what he said. When I asked him what took place, why he said it, he said that he was angry with his son about many things." continued
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