I read this site Grassfire quite often keeping abreast of stuff I don't have time to follow so closely, that being the workings of the federal government that go on we don't see in the media because that's the way they want it. Under the radar activities by the government that those grass roots organizations make a living watching and doing for us thankfully, so we don't have to the dirty work.
Their latest alert informs us that the shamnesty legislation is lives on in the form of legislation deceptively coined "The Dream Act", although it sure will be a dream come true for the damn illegals if those traitors in government have their way in passing this bill.
It's now being couched with defense spending measures slipping that stuff in piecemeal as opposed to one big hammer at once as they wanted done over the summer.
Read more below and thank Grassfire for keeping this under their radar for us out here.
Their latest alert informs us that the shamnesty legislation is lives on in the form of legislation deceptively coined "The Dream Act", although it sure will be a dream come true for the damn illegals if those traitors in government have their way in passing this bill.
It's now being couched with defense spending measures slipping that stuff in piecemeal as opposed to one big hammer at once as they wanted done over the summer.
Read more below and thank Grassfire for keeping this under their radar for us out here.
"Stopping the "Dream Act" Amnesty Nightmare--Vote Expected this Week!GrassFire.org - Real Impact Online.: "he Senate is rushing another amnesty plan for a vote, and if successful, it could be worse than the original Bush-Kennedy amnesty bill. Called the 'Dream Act', it would grant immediate legal status to millions, and throw open the door to millions more. And that's not all. Illegals rewarded under the 'Dream Act' can receive taxpayer funded in-state tuition rates--meaning your tax dollars will pay for their education.
A vote is expected this week! Stop the nightmare called the 'Dream Act' by faxing and calling the Senate today. For details how you can help see below. Send your personalized faxes to the Senate opposing the Dream Act Read more about the latest nightmare amnesty being shopped on Capitol Hill"
Grassfire's Steve Elliot blog has the full lowdown here:
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