And the only reason anyone is complaining is because the fee was raised from a ridiculously low $630 dollars, and now the poor little illegals and the legal immigrants too are gonna have fork out some actual money to become citizens for a change, As you can see they've been on basically a free ride on our backs for far too long since the early 1900's. It costs money to join any good club and this country is one of the most exclusive and greatest I can think of. Again it's a bargain and a half and if you ask me it should be at least $2500 per person, children under 12 for free.
On top of that they are trying to muddy the issue by attacking Michael Savage because he dared make a comment about this very issue on his radio show that I'll talk about later.
Maybe that's telling us something about these people that we're letting in here in the first place, when they complain the very minute that they walk through the door that they're so poor they can't pay this fee or that fine or for this medicine of that ER visit. It's a hint of a problem upcoming in short order don't ya think?
It's comparative to letting your uncle you've never seen your whole life into your family home with no job, no savings, no car and no health insurance. By the way, he's got syphilis and hepatitis c that needs attention and an ex wife with kids that he owes 25,000 in back child support to and he promises as soon as you buy him a car and clothes he'll get a job and move out. Yeah right, move on in Uncle Joe, my ass. See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya is what you'd say to him. So why should this country be any different, we don't have endless resources to carry the rest of the world on our backs any more.
Here's an old phrase from somewhere for them all to consider in the immediate future :
"You Gotta Pay To Play."
So for now go back home where ever that is and save up some money, and when you have saved up the paltry little fee that we ask to enter the country then come back and re-apply for legal status.
This place isn't a free for all as everyone south of the border and everywhere else around the world seems to have been led to believe, at least not any more if we can help it and the advent of the internet is going to allow us to change these things that have gone unchecked for far too long.
Savage attacked by officials pushing immigrant bailout:
WorldNetDaily: "San Francisco city officials are trying to force taxpayers to pay for immigrants' green cards and citizenship – and to bolster their case for the new tax, they've introduced a resolution condemning national radio talk-show host Michael Savage for what they call his 'defamatory language ... against immigrants.'"Here's what Savage had to say to the poor wittle Mexicans that hurt their feewings so much when they threatened by the way to engage in a hunger strike to get their way again in a country they don't even belong in in the first place:"I would say, let them fast until they starve to death," quipped Savage, "then that solves the problem."Seems logical to me. After all, as I said, who the hell cares if they go on a hunger strike? I sure don't do you? So here we have this lawmaker who's job he thinks it is is to advocate and shill for all the illegals and other immigrants as if he's some kind of lobbyist advocating for illegals on our time and dime, not to protect and work for the taxpaying citizens.
That's how all the politicians are nowadays, they all have a cause they shill for except one, US, the citizens of this country who pay their salaries and elect them to office.
Go back to work Mr Alderman or Supervisor for the citizens of your district and city for once that once again are legal taxpayers, not the illegals trying to extort and bullshit their way into the country for free without any repercussions for their breaking our laws to get here and the same goes for the legal hoping to be citizens as well:Supervisor Chris Daly, reacting to the new and significantly higher federal fee structure for immigrants seeking citizenship, imposed last week by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, complained that the fee hikes raise concerns that immigrants "cannot obtain safe pathways to legal immigrant status and citizenship" and "further exacerbates pressures on families, increasing stress," according to the San Francisco Examiner.BooHoo Mr Daley, the stresses and pressures on our families due to the overcrowded emergency rooms in our neighborhoods filled with mostly illegals with no insurance, and overcrowded jails with the same problem and the streets that are unsafe for our children are almost too great for us to bear any longer. So screw them as that's why people like me are sick and tired of this game and we will fight this invasion until the days we die, at least this blogger will you can bet because dying I already am.Under the new fee structure, the cost to apply for a green card is now $930, up $605 from the old fee. Citizenship applications went from $330 to $595. On Tuesday, Daly asked the city attorney to draw up legislation that would subsidize immigrants applying for citizenship, green cards and petitions for relatives and workers.
On the same day, apparently to further generate sympathy for immigrants and bolster Daly's bailout effort, Supervisor Gerardo Sandoval introduced a resolution condemning popular radio talk-show host Michael Savage, a mainstay of the San Francisco airways for years. Since he was syndicated nationally by Talk Radio Network, Savage has become one of the nation's most-listened-to radio talkers. Story Continued hereTypical libs these folks are, twisting the facts from "Illegals and other immigrants paying entry fees" to what Michael Savage says about it on his radio show. What are they doing listening to it in the first place besides working by the way?
These people never tell anyone the truth but instead present obsfucation and misrepresentation of the issues at hand, simply to overwhelm and confuse the average voters. Be they too busy or whatever excuse it is that they have for being so disengaged from local and national civics and then of coarse we have the simply not so bright out there that do anything anyone tell them to, these are generally liberals depending on government to solve any and all problems that may arise.
So don't be fooled by doubletalk and bulls*** because the left is full of both coming out of both ends most of the time, and I don't even mean the politicians only, I mean the constituency as well.
We all know that All our politicians are full of s*** whether on the left or the left or right, and this illegal issue has proven that to even the most ardent of president Bush's supporters like myself who trusted and supported him far too long I'm afraid. And then here he repays with our loyalty and trust making us look like idiots by selling out our country to the Mexican government in the name of the illegal aliens and also American big business. No doubt now time for a change across the board.
So go to Michael Savage's website to read more about this story described here, also check out the Dumb Ox daily news for even more.
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