> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Illegal Alien Shill Fails In Attempt To Squelch Free Speech In San Francisco

Today's world headlines

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Illegal Alien Shill Fails In Attempt To Squelch Free Speech In San Francisco

I wrote at great length and posted about this last week, and looks like Michael Savage has more support as does the 1st amendment even in San Francisco than this Mexican Illegal Alien lobbyist working in the San Francisco city council thought, as his attempted BS council vote was stuck right back down his throat right where it belongs.

This happened when he tried to get Michael Savage uselessly censured in the council for making this comment about Illegals and immigrants who were preparing to hunger strike a few weeks ago because the fees for new immigrants were raised as my post was indicated and discussed, again last week:
"I would say, let them fast until they starve to death," quipped Savage, "then that solves the problem."
Personally while listening to the actual show and comment I found it to be amusing and even commented to a co worker at that moment: "That's what I would tell em to do too were I sitting in that studio." Then this is what followed as the left tries to take any little bitty thing they can and twist it to their political advantage to gain votes by selling out our country to everyone they can but Americans.

San Francisco fails in attack on Savage

WorldNetDaily:: "A single vote by a San Francisco Board of Supervisors member whose grandfather emigrated from China seven decades ago has halted in its tracks a proposal to condemn as 'hate speech' radio personality Michael Savage's criticism of illegal aliens in the United States. The vote tonight was 9-1, with 3rd generation San Franciscan Ed Jew turning in the veto vote, after getting up and affirming Savage's First Amendment right to express his opinion."

Supervisor Gerardo Sandoval had introduced a resolution condemning the radio talker. After the vote, he called for the tally to be rescinded and the proposal sent to committee, which essentially is a polite way of letting the issue die.

"For the record, I do not agree with comments allegedly made by Mr. Savage, but the First Amendment gives him the right to make those comments," Jew said.

Savage has made some interesting arguments and debates over this issue in the past week Here are a few from the article:

Michael Savage, on his show tonight, said he wants people to urge authorities to arrest illegal immigrants, because he is being targeted in a "dry run" to see how far illegal aliens can go in silencing free speech.

"This is a dry run against free speech in America by the Islamists and the illegal aliens who are now becoming one and the same," he said. "It's the same organizational structure. … I am the target of this dry run. They want to see how far they can get in silencing a voice of freedom in the United States of America. They want to see which, if any, governmental agencies will stop them."

That statement couldn't be more accurate than it is, the whole group of them follow each others propaganda programs to the T without a doubt and everyone sees it but they. I go one step farther than the does including the left along with the illegals and the Islamists as they are all in bed together trying to take down this country as it stands today.

Here's a little more :

"I would hope that my own government would be interested enough to go out to the station tomorrow, logically assuming that most of them are here illegally – after all this was illegal aliens protesting today, stirred up and fomented in a mob action by a supervisor who supports Hugo Chavez, an enemy of America," he said.

"You don't have to be a Sherlock to put two and two together. They're enemies of the state, they're enemies of the people and they're enemies of me. But they're here illegally ... they're criminals," he said
Go here for the entire worthwhile article at WorldNetDaily


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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