My personal favorite presidential candidate although improbable as a realistic winner, true and original Reagan conservative congressman Duncan Hunter put some public pressure on Bush Wednesday regarding the as for now invisible but yet mandated and funded Border Fence.
And here he wanted us to believe that he and congress would enforce even more immigration laws they were proposing while trying to pass that shameless shamnesty legislation a few months ago.
Bush sure has been an unforgivable disappointment over this strange love for Mexico and it's illegal aliens that he's unveiled for the world this past year, simultaneously abandoning his questionable conservative American principles nearly entirely.Hunter announcing his candidacy for president a month or so ago.
Bush sure has been an unforgivable disappointment over this strange love for Mexico and it's illegal aliens that he's unveiled for the world this past year, simultaneously abandoning his questionable conservative American principles nearly entirely.
WorldNetDaily: "With only a small fraction of the border fence between the U.S. and Mexico complete, California congressman and Republican presidential candidate Duncan Hunter is warning President Bush the construction mandated by the Secure Fence Act is falling drastically behind schedule.There's no better person then Hunter to do this since he is the one that wrote the bill and also is the only politician with real life experience in getting this type of wok done as he famously has done in San Diego with that fence that decreased border crossings drastically in that brutal quadrant.
'Unless construction is promptly accelerated,' Hunter wrote in a letter to Bush, 'deadlines for the completion of fencing will not be met.'
Hunter's letter was written Monday to be delivered to the White House during the Security and Prosperity Partnership third annual summit that concluded Tuesday in Montebello, Quebec. His criticism that the Bush administration is making no significant progress constructing a fence takes added importance given Bush's refusal to deny that a hidden SPP agenda was in the works to advance North American economic and political integration with the goal of creating a European Union-style North American Union."
The Bush administration's unwillingness to build a border fence, even when mandated by a law Bush signed as recently as Oct. 26, 2006, questions the credibility of Bush's denial, especially when the border with Mexico remains wide open today, nearly six years since the Bush administration declared war on terrorism.Any bets that this responsibility will be one that George will happily delay and hand off to his predecessor in 2008,
Hunter's letter points out the Secure Fence Act calls for completing 392 miles of fencing from Calexico, Calif., to Douglas, Ariz., by May 30, 2008.
Additionally, the act mandates 30 miles of fencing be completed in the Laredo, Texas, sector by Dec. 31, 2008. continued
I'll bet'cha anything on that one my friends....
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