> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Why Should We Quit Palestinian / Terrorist Aid ?

Today's world headlines

Monday, July 9, 2007

Why Should We Quit Palestinian / Terrorist Aid ?

The people there do not deserve our hard earned money, and if they all starve as a result of our discontinuing our more than generous aid then sorry, but so be it. I've grown very tired of the kid gloves treatment this whole area of people gets from governments and human rights groups around the world, when all they have done for humanity and continue to do is cause the world grief for the most part, since the beginning of time this has been the case.

Maybe if they have to feed and clothe themselves for once they will start learning how to do so instead of depending on us to do it for them, all the while they continue blaming all their problems on us, the Jews and their so called "occupation" of their land.

Sadly the whole Arab world contributes nothing to this world's economy today aside from oil and medical professionals, no products or manufactured goods, and that's basically it. A once proud and great peoples have actually gone backwards in time as the rest of the world moves forward for hundreds and hundreds of years now.

This ironically is mostly due to the discovery of that very oil and the hoarding of that incredible wealth by the few Sheiks and Dictators that rule with irons fists and deprivation. And when oil that disappears are we gonna then have to support billions of uneducated radicalized peoples that wish us dead for three, four generations now? I don't thinks so.

I'm sorry to be so blunt, but the rest of the world operates on the principal of "survival of the fittest" so in their world this should be the prevailing law as well. These 5th century retreads are the same people that now talk of taking over the world by the sword for goodness sakes!! Wait until they finally discover and unlock atomic weaponry as they will do if not militarily stopped soon, and you can bet these people will use them without hesitation against the west with us at the top of their wish list.

Again you can lame their leadership and not us for the poverty and corruption they live within and that's that.

After all, below is what happens when we do send our money to this hellhole and it's leaders. Leaders who are comprised of nothing but terrorists, terrorists that these people elected to office in their first election, so they deserve any better just as we deserve no better if we continue to elect the clowns and crooks we've put in charge of our country the past two decades.

PA officials smuggled $52 million in U.S. aid:

WorldNetDaily: "JERUSALEM – Mahmoud Dahlan, a strongman of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah organization, and one of Dahlan's top associates pocketed $52 million in foreign aid – mostly assistance monies from the U.S. meant to bolster Fatah against Hamas, sources in the PA Finance Ministry told WND today."Dahlan used part of the American aid to invest in construction efforts in Dubai, the PA sources said.

The information comes as the U.S. is poised to send millions more in financial aid to bolster Abbas' militias in the West Bank against Hamas there. continued

What a great idea US Government, more money to the zoo!! Not... stop this terrorists aid pipeline now and spend the money feeding our own poor and disabled peoples, and not the illegal ones that are here either. Seems we take care of the whole damn world except our own first. Time's up on this thinking if you ask me folks.

And we need to let these politicians know we won't stand for these no strings attached free giveaway anymore.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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