> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Society Continues It's Backwards Death Spiral

Today's world headlines

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Society Continues It's Backwards Death Spiral

Never as a youngster did I even contemplate there would be a day that men and women would be lined up at the doctors office for gender reassignment (as the PC goons call it) surgery. Even now as a fairly tolerant adult I am simply taken aback by these cases is a nice way of putting it.

I just call it a mental disorder I'm afraid, as I see no difference from this urge than somebody waking up one day and saying to the mirror on the wall, "I was supposed to be born a dog or cat instead of a man" and then seeking out some new aged Dr Frankenstein to remove my manhood and give me some magic potion to grow floppy ears, a cold wet nose and fur, then walking on all fours and barking for the rest of my life.

Just not the way things are supposed to be, nature does things for a reason, man does things for man. Big difference between the two.

This person below is crying to anyone that'll listen that he's /she's being discriminated against and ridiculed on the job at DHL for his radical life decision. I guess upset that the majority of his/her co-workers and society in general are a bit disgusted with his/her now open to the world transgender transformation that he/she feels comfortable shoving down our throats whether we want it or not.

That is what this amounts to, as there is no rule anywhere that says we all are supposed to be willing accomplices to people who decide they are going to do something this radical to their god given bodies and souls to satisfy a selfish and basically sexual related urge and nothing more.

You wanna change your sex from a man to a woman or the other way around you go right ahead and do that, in private and then suffer the potential well known and easily anticipated consequences, simple as that. Don't expect the rest of the world to suddenly change thousands and thousands of years of behavioral norms just for your selfish needs and wants, like this guy or I guess now it's a girl and others want the world to do!!

Mom and Dad, Dad and Dad, or is it Mom and Mom must be so happy for you :(
Transsexual trucker is 'hounded out' for wearing make-up

the Daily Mail: "A transsexual is seeking thousands of pounds in damages after claiming he was forced out of his job as a truck driver when he started dressing as a woman.

Vikki-Marie Gaynor, 37, who was born a man, claims bosses started cancelling his shifts when he dropped his old name, Mike, and started wearing women's clothes, earrings and make-up to work."

The former soldier, who has been married twice and has a teenage daughter, was taunted by other drivers who made rude gestures towards him, it is alleged.

Now Mr Gaynor has launched a sexual discrimination claim against the haulage firm and the recruitment agency which employed him. He could receive a five-figure sum if the employment tribunal finds in his favour.

'I have been treated in an horrendous manner by my employers,' Mr Gaynor said last night.

'When I first started I was a respected driver, I turned up for work on time and did my job very professionally. My bosses knew me as Mike and had no idea I was a transsexual.

He/she should've kept it that way if he/she liked it so much is the answer to that problem. Sometimes the world isn't exactly the way we want it, and this situation is no different. Go find a new job buddy, as if you can make the drastic step to change from man to woman you can do that too.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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